Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Amador Community News - Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Updates have been made in all of our departments!
Check them out below, or see our daily posts on Facebook at: facebook.com/AmadorCounty

News & Announcements
Sutter Creek Residents Defeat 41% Garbage Rate Increase
Next AmadorArts Networking Mixer takes place in Jackson - Thurs May 16 - AmadorArts.com
Pine Grove Conservation Camp: Need for Speed - AmadorGroups.com
Semi-Annual Spring Ladies Night - Sat Apr 20 - AmadorBusiness.com / LifeInAmador.com
ACWN Update: Next Meeting is Wed Apr 24 featuring local photographer Stephanie Farrell - AmadorBusiness.com
May 4 Art Trek Features Various Artists of the Month - AmadorArts.com

Adyashanti Gathering - Mon May 6 - AmadorInterfaith.com

The Motherlode Hot Jazz Party committee needs several more volunteers to staff the venues for a few hours on Saturday, April 27. You can enjoy a day of music at the Hot Jazz Party, while helping to raise funds for The Arc. Volunteers are needed to take tickets at Teresa's, Thomi's, and the National. We are offering two free passes to all volunteers so that you and spouse or friend can enjoy the Hot Jazz Party before or after your shift. Contact Lucy Hackett at 223-4603 or johnhaedrich@sbcglobal.net and let her know whether you prefer a morning or afternoon shift. Thanks! 
Amador County Women's Network
Mother Lode Harvest - Apr 16
Mt. Zion Church
Trinity Tidings
Amador County Artists Association

Have a news brief, announcement, press release? Letter to the Editor? A newsletter you'd like to have published? Email them to: acneditor@gmail.com

WORKSHOP: Sutter Creek Architectural Review Committee – Apr 8, 15 & 22 - AmadorGovernment.com
Amador County Commission on Aging - Wed Apr 17 - AmadorElders.org
Amador Fire Safe Council - Wed Apr 17 - AmadorGroups.com
Motherlode Ragtime News & Meeting - Sat May 18 - AmadorArts.com

Holding a meeting in your community that you'd like Amador County to know about? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us what it is, date, time, location and a brief description of what the meeting is about. Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com

Classes, Workshops & Seminars
Motherlode Holistic offers FREE classes, "Take Control of your Health" - Sat Apr 13 & Tues Apr 16 -  AmadorHealth.com
Water-Wise Gardening – Sat Apr 13 AmadorGroups.com / LifeInAmador.com
FREE Mental Health and Wellness Class Offered by NAMI Amador - Classes begin Mon Apr 15 - AmadorHealth.com
Find Your Balance: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - Tues Apr 16 - AmadorHealth.com
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Amador) – Tues Apr 23 - AmadorHealth.com
CPR & First Aid Class - Sat May 4 - AmadorHealth.com
Adyashanti Gathering - Mon May 6 - AmadorInterfaith.com
Photography Class - May 4-June 8 - goACRA.org
Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale - Sat May 11 - LifeInAmador.com
Cooking Class: Rustic Puff Pastry Turnovers - Wed May 15 - goACRA.org
Laughton Ranch Riding Day Camp Sat May 25 - goACRA.org
Cooking Class: The Art of Pie Making - Tues June 4 - goACRA.org
FREE WORKSHOP: Life Planning - Will you leave a legacy...or a mess? AmadorGroups.com / AmadorElders.org
Flyfishing Class/Fishing Trip - May 18 & 19; June 1 - goACRA.org

Holding a class, workshop or seminar? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us about it, give the date, time, location and a brief description of what the class is about. Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com

Activities & Events
Clean It & Green It - Sat Apr 20 - AmadorGroups.com
Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Victor & Penny – Sat Apr 20AmadorArts.com
Murder Mystery Dinner Benefit for Food Bank - April 20 - AmadorSoapbox.com
Semi-Annual Spring Ladies Night - Sat Apr 20 - AmadorBusiness.com / LifeInAmador.com
41st Annual AAUW Home Tour: "Jackson Rediscovered - Sat April 20 - AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Raffle for Home Tour Opportunity Quilt held Sat Apr 20 - AmadorGroups.com
Amador County Democratic Party 8th Annual Dinner - Thurs Apr 25 - AmadorSoapbox.com
Sutter Creek Theater Presents: The New Iberians – Fri Apr 26
26th Annual Sutter Creek Duck Race - Sat Apr 27  - goACRA.org
Steiner Road Wineries: "Enjoy All That is Spring " - Sat Apr 27 - AmadorFoodandWine.com
Motherlode Hot Jazz Party - Sat Apr 27 - AmadorArts.com
Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra - Sun Apr 28 - AmadorArts.com
Youth Sports Fair - Sat May 4  - goACRA.org
Kennedy Mine BBQ -  Thurs May 9 - goACRA.org
Master Gardeners Annual Plant Sale - Sat May 11 - LifeInAmador.com
Motherlode Cruise - Sat May 18 - MotherlodeCruise.com
Motherlode Ragtime Meeting - Sat May 18 - AmadorArts.com
Dobra Zemlja's "Taste of Croatia" Tour - May 4-18 - AmadorFoodandWine.com
British Soccer Camp - June 10-14 - goACRA.org
Jazzin' It Up in Jackson - Sat Jun 22 - AmadorArts.com

Gold Country Wine Tours offers "Cru-Zin in the Vineyard" 4th of July Tour Deal - AmadorFoodandWine.com

Having an event? Event flyers are only $5/month or unlimited postings of event flyers are only $50/year (yes, year)! Email your flyers (JPEG or PDF) to: acneditor@gmail.com
For more information visit: CarolHarperMedia.com

Classified Ads

JOIN FITNESS MADE FUN POWER WALK CLASSES IN JACKSON! We meet on Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:15pm. The class is held indoors at the Margaret Dalton Children's Center (Amador First 5) 975 Broadway. We work the entire body - Upper body, core and lower body, as well as your heart with the aerobic pace, set by the music. Your first class is FREE. See my website for more details and the class calendar. www.WalkLiveWithFitnessMadeFun.com or (209) 471-8792

JOB OPPORTUNITY: AMADOR TRANSIT is establishing a ‘Next to Hire’ list for bus operators. Application packet available at: 11400 American Legion Drive, Jackson, or www.amadortransit.com. Final filing 4/19/13 4pm. Clean DMV, drug/alcohol testing, criminal background. Equal Opportunity Employer.

LOOKING FOR ADULT BEGINNER TENNIS PLAYER for adult beginner tennis player for practice at Amador or Argonaut H.S. Please call 267-0649. 

NEED AUTO WORK DONE? BODY WORK? Get the work done for literally hundreds or thousands less than you'd pay at an auto dealership or corporately-paid mechanic! Body work, oil changes, brakes, clutch, etc. Call Danny at 916-470-9767 to get an estimate.

AMERICAN SIGN LANGUAGE TUTOR - All ages and skill levels welcome. 1-on-1, small & large groups, and family-style lessons available on sliding scale based. Classes offered in Amador County! Call 916-607-9691 for more information.
**SPRING SPECIAL! for infants & seniors and home-health workers seeking sign language basics** 

NOTARY PUBLIC AVAILABLE! www.laneassociatesonline.com

DOGGIE DOOR MANNERS: Would you like some help teaching your dog that jumping on you or your friends is rude in the human world and that sitting politely opens the door to all sorts of good things. Save on a private training lesson in your home for only $59 or $49 if you come to me in Pine Grove. Limited number available - so schedule yours soon! Contact Cherie Maitland at Our Furry Friends - Training with Respect & Understanding. Call 209-296-4DOG (4364) or email

GOLDEN NUGGETS SENIOR SINGLES – Founded to enrich the life of senior singles, offers fun and friendship to members.  Meets at 10AM the second Wednesday of every month at Pine Grove Mobile Home Estates, 14074 Irish Town Road, Pine Grove.  The club offers a variety of activities and events, welcomes visitors, and is always seeking new members.  Past club events have included a trips to wineries and farms, hikes, luncheon cruises, barbecues, potlucks and tours. For future activities and further information e-mail GNuggetsSrSingle@aol.com or contact Shirley at 295-2992.

It's only $5/month for event flyers, or $50/year (yes, year) to be a supporting advertiser on ACN! Contact Carol Harper at acneditor@gmail.com or visit: CarolHarperMedia.com

Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network, www.kcnn.org. Thank you for supporting your local community media!

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