QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “No matter what accomplishments you make, somebody helped you.”
Althea Gibson
News & Announcements
AMADOR SOAPBOX: Tree mortality, bark beetles, grant funds...where do you start?
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover": Pizza Port Brewing Co. - Fri Aug 26
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover": Pizza Port Brewing Co. - Fri Aug 26
HELP US FILL THE TRAILER! CALLING ALL DONATIONS! ALL MONEY goes to AMADOR STARS and we need donations! Next week we have a Rummage Sale on Sept 2nd (Friday before Labor day) from 8-4. Bring anything you want to donate ASAP we are here for donations Monday-Friday 8-6pm in Jackson right next to Mel's Diner on the Highway 15 N. State Hwy 49-88 Jackson, CA. If there are a lot of things we can also come pick things up! 209-223-2000.
FREE WORKSHOP on Suicide Prevention. This workshop will address the following: What are Suicide Warning Signs? How can you assist someone in a crisis? Where is help available? This workshop will be provided at the following locations: Camanche Lake Community Center Thursday, September 8 at 2pm; Ione Family Resource Center on Tuesday, September 13 at 9:30 am; Upcountry Community Center Wednesday, September 14 at 2pm. For more information please call 209-296-2785.
FREE COURSES on Youth Mental Health First Aid offered on Wednesday, August 31 from 9am to 5pm at the Upcountry Community Center and September 29th at the Camanche Lake Community Center. This certification course introduces participants to the unique risk factors and warning signs of mental health problems in adolescents, builds understanding of the importance of early intervention, and teaches individuals how to help an adolescent in crisis or experiencing a mental health challenge. Participants will learn: A 5-step plan to assess a situation, select interventions, and refer to care, and the professional, peer, social, faith-based, and self-help resources available. Please RSVP to 296-2785.
-----FREE WORKSHOP SERIES: COMMON GROUND: Parents and Teens are invited to attend Common Ground: A 7 week Communication Workshop Series. Participants will learn and strengthen the following skills: Listen Respectfully, Communicate Openly and Honestly, Set and Respect Limits, and Appreciate and Honor Differences. Common Ground is held Tuesdays at 5:30 pm at the Upcountry Community Center. For more information please call 296-2785.
THE PROGRESSIVE WOMEN’S COMMITTEE will meet on Thursday September 8 at 11:30 a.m. at Thomi's Banquet Room in Jackson. The speaker for September will be John Stetler of CASA (Court Appointed Special Advocate). Reservations are required and may be made
All those interested are welcome to attend. The buffet luncheon is $15.00 which includes an entree, salad, vegetarian offering, various drinks, coffee, tea, dessert, tax and tip.
Pay at the door - cash (the exact amount is appreciated) or personal check only.
NOTE (and this is important): If you make a reservation and cannot attend, please call 267-0177 to cancel by noon on Wednesday, September 7. If you have made a reservation and do not attend, you may be billed for the luncheon.
August Newsletters
Community Calendar
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover": Pizza Port Brewing Co. - Fri Aug 26
- Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Coco Montoya Band - Fri Aug 26
- Master Gardeners' Tomato Tasting Contest - Sat Aug 27
- Scofield's Cowboy Campfire Special Event: Old West Trio - Sat Aug 27
- SPECIAL MEETING: Jackson City Council - Mon Aug 29
- Healing Self Esteem: Classes begin Aug 31
- County Government Calendar - Aug 2016
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover" events scheduled through November
- Music Events at Bella Grace
- Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Coco Montoya Band - Fri Aug 26
- Master Gardeners' Tomato Tasting Contest - Sat Aug 27
- Scofield's Cowboy Campfire Special Event: Old West Trio - Sat Aug 27
- SPECIAL MEETING: Jackson City Council - Mon Aug 29
- Healing Self Esteem: Classes begin Aug 31
- County Government Calendar - Aug 2016
- Music Events at Bella Grace
BRIAN HOLLAND & DANNY COOTS CONCERT this Friday, August 26 - Hello, group; this is a final reminder about a fabulous concert here at Skunk Hollow Victorian Gardens by the inimitable Brian Holland and Danny Coots this Friday, the 26th, at 3pm. We'll have our traditional potluck dinner after the concert, so bring a favorite dish you'd like to share. I'll be pouring my private label wine featuring Brian and Danny's name on the label. Call for more info 209-986-3667 or email me with your questions. Seating is limited, so I'd suggest you make your reservations soon. $20 early purchase, $25 at the door. See you here! Chip (sutterchip@yahoo.com)
DAVE STAMEY IN CONCERT AT BELLA GRACE! Dave Stamey makes his return visit to Bella Grace's 73 Main (Sutter Creek) on Friday, August 26 at 6PM. He has been a cowboy, a mule packer, a dude wrangler, and is now one of the most popular western entertainers working today! Tickets are still available online. Admission options include a 'Date Night Package' featuring 2 admissions, 2 BBQ dinners & a bottle of wine for $99 ($89 for club members). Click here to order tickets! Contact Dewey at dewey@bellagracevineyards.com or 209.418.5040 with questions.
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/events/226312884435189/-----
JUNIOR TEAM TENNIS FALL SEASON - Registration is now open for Fall Junior Team Tennis. Boys & Girls Ages 7-14 play on co-ed teams in three ability levels: beginning, intermediate and advanced. No experience is necessary, beginners are welcome! League matches will run six consecutive Sundays from October 2 to November 6 and each team will have one practice per week starting in mid-September. Cost is $70 first child, $45 second child, $10 third child (max of $125 per household). Early bird special: take $10 off your total if registration is postmarked by July 29. Fee includes junior USTA membership, t-shirt, season-end party, and awards. Print an application at www.amadortennisclub.org.
Registrations must be received by August 27. Register early, space is limited. Preference may be given to those who register first. If you have questions, contact league director, Dan Klement, at 257-1950 or e-mail at danklement1@gmail.com
“RECYCLE FOR SIGHT” Eyeglass Recycling at the Sutter Creek Farmers Market on Saturday, August 27. In just about any household you can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. Sutter Creek Lions accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, and plastic and metal frames.
Eyeglasses can also be dropped off throughout the year at the following locations:
Amador Eye Care, 10 Bryson Dr., Sutter Creek
Amador Ledger Print (ALP), 11020 Hwy. 49, Martell
Coldwell Banker, 40-B Main St., Sutter Creek (Rose-Marie Zwieg)
Sina’s Back Roads Café, 74-A Main St. Sutter Creek
The Sutter Creek Lions Club will have a booth at the market collecting eyeglasses and pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House charities.
Bring at least one washed tomato of each variety (at least five cherry tomatoes) to the Sutter Creek Farmers Market between 8:30 -9:30 AM on Saturday, August 27. The judges will begin their tasting at 10:00 and announce their favorites by 11:30 AM. Prizes will be given for the biggest, as well as best tasting red, non-red and cherry tomatoes. Our fantastic judges from last year will be returning this year and include Steve Muni of Hometown radio, Darius Somary, consultant, and Mark Berkner of Taste Restaurant.
Join us for the public tasting and you will have the fun of tasting all kinds of tomatoes, from tiny grape-size tomatoes to giants the size of grapefruits, and a variety of colors, including yellow, orange, pink, tiger striped, and of course, ruby red. We are sure to have a tomato you’ve never tasted before and that may become your new favorite. Questions? email Bobbie at schome100@gmail.com. Web site: http://ucanr.edu/sites/Amador_County_MGs/?calitem=325783&g=40753
DAD & ME: “LET’S BECOME ARTISTS!” - This Saturday, August 27 at 10AM, First 5 Amador's "Dad & Me" event will be held at the new "Things to Tweak the Imagination" Art Studio, 21800 Hwy 88 in Pine Grove. Story time, snacks and a free book!You won't want to miss this one! Please be sure to call to save your spot! 257-1092.
VOLCANO THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS: ANNE OF GREEN GABLES - Fri and Sat evenings through Sept 10 at the Volcano Amphitheatre. Doors open at 6:30 PM for picnicking. Curtain at 8PM. Tickets online at Hein & Co. Booksellers, 204 Main St., Jackson, or online at www.volcanotheatre.net
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - St. Paul tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Wonderful fruit, but not always so easy to harvest in our own lives. Come join us as we work towards being the people God wants us to be and to realizing the fruit of the spirit in us. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Regular Sunday services are at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM followed by a coffee hour after each service this Sunday. Trinity Church is located at 430 Highway 49, Sutter Hill, across from Walgreens. For more information, call 267-0255, or visit www.trinitysuttercreek.org.
DAD & ME: “LET’S BECOME ARTISTS!” - This Saturday, August 27 at 10AM, First 5 Amador's "Dad & Me" event will be held at the new "Things to Tweak the Imagination" Art Studio, 21800 Hwy 88 in Pine Grove. Story time, snacks and a free book!You won't want to miss this one! Please be sure to call to save your spot! 257-1092.
VOLCANO THEATRE COMPANY PRESENTS: ANNE OF GREEN GABLES - Fri and Sat evenings through Sept 10 at the Volcano Amphitheatre. Doors open at 6:30 PM for picnicking. Curtain at 8PM. Tickets online at Hein & Co. Booksellers, 204 Main St., Jackson, or online at www.volcanotheatre.net
TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH - St. Paul tells us that the fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Wonderful fruit, but not always so easy to harvest in our own lives. Come join us as we work towards being the people God wants us to be and to realizing the fruit of the spirit in us. Whoever you are, wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here. Regular Sunday services are at 8:30 AM and 10:30 AM followed by a coffee hour after each service this Sunday. Trinity Church is located at 430 Highway 49, Sutter Hill, across from Walgreens. For more information, call 267-0255, or visit www.trinitysuttercreek.org.
BIG BAND MUSIC on Sunday, August 28 at 2pm at the Amador Senior Center, New York Ranch Rd, Jackson. Doors open at 1:30 pm. Big Band music of the 1920’s through the 1960’s will be presented by the 11- piece Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra on August 28 at 2pm using original dance band instrumentation and sheet music. The band consists of 7 horns (saxes, clarinets, trumpets, and trombone) and 4 rhythm players (piano, banjo, bass, and drums), and features vocals from within the band. Audience may wish to sing along on most all of the familiar tunes! Open to all ages, there is a $5 donation request to help cover expenses of the event. There will be cookies and coffee for your enjoyment! Guests may also bring a favorite dessert to share as well and there will be a small dance area left open for those that wish to shake-a- leg. Don’t miss the fun!
FARMS OF AMADOR TOUR & DINNER - To help support the FoA activities and our local Farmers Markets please consider coming to the Sunday August 28 Farms of Amador/Farmers Market farmer tour and dinner fundraiser. This always fun and relaxing event with your friends and family, will be again hosted at the beautiful setting of Helwig winery with a sit down dinner fare being 'Spanish Table'...Paella! which includes your choice of a vegetarian or fish/chicken paella. One can also request gluten free. Music with Herb Boxhorn and Klaudia Promessi. The self-guided tour will be focused in the Ione area. And of course there will be some incredible items up for raffle and auction.
Get your tickets soon as this event does sell out!
For tickets and information phone: 209-267-5506, or purchase tickets online at the FoA website or at your local Farmers Market.
VOLCANO THEATRE COMPANY AUDITIONS for Lux Radio Theatre’s "Miracle on 34th Street" by Valentine Davies. Directed by Bob Duzdevich. Open auditions, all are welcome; no experience required. Needed: Both male and female, ages 12 to 80+.
Auditions continue on Mon Aug 29 and Tues Aug 30 at the Cobblestone Theatre in Volcano. Performance dates are Nov 18 to Dec 10. For more information, call Bob at 209-419-0744.
MAJESTIC OAKS FARMS WORK PARTY - All are invited to join the folks at Rosebud’s Cafe to their work party this coming Tuesday, August 30 at 8AM, 5423 Buena Vista Road, Ione. Coffee and continental provided. Dress appropriately; rustic farm! Bring a sack to take home some tomatoes, or melons, or...! For more information, call (209) 257-0227.-----
AMADOR UPCOUNTRY ROTARY is participating with the Farmer's Market in Pine Grove, on the last Wednesday of each summer month! Supporting our wonderful local produce with additional food, beer and wine… Rotary is offering a raffle prize of an 18" STIHL Chainsaw!
Next market is August 31. Hours have been extended to 7pm. Come by and enjoy music, food and libations!
- ACAA Open Studios to hold Preview Art Show & Reception on September 3
- The Lowest Pair closes Summer Music Series at Feist Wines - Fri Sept 9
- The Lowest Pair closes Summer Music Series at Feist Wines - Fri Sept 9
- Vitalize Your Chakras...and Life! 5th Chakra is Sept 13
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover: Mike Hess Brewing - Fri Sept 16
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover: Mike Hess Brewing - Fri Sept 16
- Antique Musical Organ Rally Comes to Jackson’s Main Street - Sept 24-25
- Motivate Our Youth: 1st Annual Youth 5K Fun Run - Sun Oct 30
- Amador Vintners host 24th Annual Big Crush Harvest Festival - Oct 1 & 2
- Motivate Our Youth: 1st Annual Youth 5K Fun Run - Sun Oct 30
- Amador Vintners host 24th Annual Big Crush Harvest Festival - Oct 1 & 2
RIVRDANS CONTEST - Hop rocks and swim 1/2 mile of the N. Fork of the Mokelumne River for time. Contest begins at 12 noon on Saturday Sept. 3rd. Carpool to where Highway 26 crosses the Mokelumne. Time constraints allow only 36 contestants. Inexperienced runners are discouraged. All contestants must sign medical waiver. $100 to fastest finisher. $50 to second place. $50 to first female. Read more at http://www.greensuit.org/riverdancing.htm
RIVRDANS CONTEST - Hop rocks and swim 1/2 mile of the N. Fork of the Mokelumne River for time. Contest begins at 12 noon on Saturday Sept. 3rd. Carpool to where Highway 26 crosses the Mokelumne. Time constraints allow only 36 contestants. Inexperienced runners are discouraged. All contestants must sign medical waiver. $100 to fastest finisher. $50 to second place. $50 to first female. Read more at http://www.greensuit.org/riverdancing.htm
LABOR DAY AT DEAVER VINEYARDS - Sat September 3. Join us for our annual Labor Day event. Pack up the kids, bring your neighbors and head out to Deaver for a day on the Deaver Green. Grab a few bottles of wine from our tasting room and relax to some great tunes as we send the summer off in style. Food available for purchase. http://www.deavervineyards.com/
3RD ANNUAL HOLISTIC HEALTH & WELLNESS FAIR - Sat Sept 3 from 10-6 and Sun Sept 4 from 10-2 at the Mace Meadow Event Center, 26570 Fairway Drive, Pioneer. Hosted by Theresa and Steve Monson. Co-Hosts Nancy Monson, Everyday Spirituality; Kimberly Freeman, Kimberly Freeman Healings; Lynn Faddis, Creative Beverage. Healers, practitioners, readers, artists, handmade crafts, refreshments and music. For more information, call 295-2003.
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1630787683901004/
AMADOR REPUBLICANS LABOR DAY PICNIC: “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!” - The Amador County Republican Party will host a Labor Day Picnic at Detert Park on Monday, September 5. We will also have a wonderful bake sale, a table with the latest Republican promotional items, and fun, not-to-be-missed photos with a life-size image of the phenomenal Donald Trump.
The picnic begins at 11:30 with the musical entertainment of Jack Magee and his "Travelin' Tunes" followed by the official opening remarks of Dr. Arnie Zeiderman. Our old-fashioned hot dog lunch with chips, sodas, and watermelon begins about noon. Congressman Tom McClintock and Fourth District Supervisor Louis Boitano will then address us starting at approximately 12:30. The theme of the picnic this year is "Make America Great Again!" and our list of speakers also includes successful entrepreneurs who will share with you some of their secrets!
As you know, Detert Park is Jackson’s most beautiful park and there is plenty for kids to do, so bring the whole family and enjoy the day while gaining confidence in the potential of America.
For information call Tom Harmon at 503-841-7246,. www.amadorrepublicans.com
LEARN TO SQUARE DANCE IN 12 WEEKS with the Jackson Claim Jumpers! Starts Thursday, Sept. 8, 6:30 – 7:45 pm. Fun for families, singles or couples, no special dress required. Music from country to pop. Nationally-recognized caller Kip Garvey is known for his fun, dynamic teaching style. Three months of great exercise and fun for only $60 – half price for 21 & under, family rate available. Amador Senior Center Hall, 229 New York Ranch Rd, Jackson, CA 95642. For more information visit www.jacksonclaimjumpers.com or call Janine Oneto at 209-245-6221.
-8:30 AM – 10:00 AM MEET AND GREET
-10:30 AM – 11:00 AM GRAND ENTRANCE
Thank you to all of you who came out to support the R3C Wild Horse Program. All 7 beautiful Mustangs were adopted to new homes to be loved and cared for. We hope you can make it out to our first adoption at the R3C Ranch in September!
Thank you to all of you who came out to support the R3C Wild Horse Program. All 7 beautiful Mustangs were adopted to new homes to be loved and cared for. We hope you can make it out to our first adoption at the R3C Ranch in September!
Deputy Rebecca Eubanks #1151
Post Release Re-Entry Programs
Field Investigator, Home Detention Unit
Work Release Division
Sacramento County Sheriff's Department
SECOND "SUNDAY FUNDAYS" AT ANDIS - Andis Wines invites you to put the FUN back in Sundays! Bring the family and enjoy our panoramic vineyard views and comfortable outside seating. Our resident Grill Master will be dishing delicious burgers and brats for our guests. Bocce ball and a variety of lawn games will be available for additional fun in the sun. If that's not FUN, we don't know what is!
Sunday Fundays take place every second Sunday of the month through October. Upcoming Dates: September 11 • October 9
$5 Lunch Tickets/FREE for Wine Club Members!
Visit www.andiswines.com for more information! See you on Second Sunday!
SEPTEMBER CHAMBER MIXER - Wednesday, September 14 from 5:30-7:30PM. September's mixer is hosted by Amador College Connect. www.amadorcollegeconnect.org
Mixers are a great way to meet fellow business owners, and stay connected to the Amador County business community. Our mixers feature food, beverages, a raffle and best of all, an opportunity to network and socialize. Bring a raffle item to donate, and receive 5 extra raffle tickets free! Our raffles are the best! http://amadorchamber.com/
MOKELUMNE RIVER CLEANUP - The Foothill Conservancy invites everyone to join them for the 2016 Mokelumne River cleanup on Saturday, September 17, 8:30 am until 12 noon. There are two sites for this year’s cleanup: Electra Bar, by Electra Road, and the Highway 26 North Fork Mokelumne crossing. A special prize will be awarded for the “weirdest” trash, and all volunteers will receive thank-you goodies. All participants must register in advance online at www.foothillconservancy.org, or by calling Carolyn Schooley at (209)223-3508.-----
ANTIQUE MUSICAL ORGAN RALLY - Saturday & Sunday, Sept. 24 & 25. Experience the music of yesteryear! Unusual musical organs from all over the country and their colorful owners, performing on Main Street, Saturday and Sunday. Free indoor concert at Jackson United Methodist Church on Sunday. A one-of-a-kind opportunity for the whole family! Free, on Main Street, Jackson.
Sat: 10 am – 4 pm, throughout Main Street, Jackson
Sun: 10 am – noon, Main Street. 1 pm, Concert at Jackson Methodist Church, 120 Church St, Jackson
Contact: www.visitJacksonCA.com or Amador Council of Tourism, 209-267-9249-----
BUCKLES & BBQ! Saturday, September 24. Nothing says “summer” like grillin’ and chillin’ – and we do it BIG in Amador at the family-friendly Buckles & BBQ on September 24th at the Amador County Fairgrounds.
Three local grillers compete for your vote in a "slam down!" In between feasting on great Bar-Be-Que, savor local wines and craft beer, enjoy live music, find something special from local crafts and vendors, and of course, don't miss the Horse Show! For kids there is plenty of room to run and kid-friendly activities - bring a picnic blanket! FREE ADMISSION! Proceeds go to the Amador Country Fair Foundation, a non-profit funding facility improvements and repairs at this historic resource. Questions? Call us! 209-418-5707
On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Buckles-BBQ-262411424117450/
SEPTEMBER CHAMBER MIXER - Wednesday, September 14 from 5:30-7:30PM. September's mixer is hosted by Amador College Connect. www.amadorcollegeconnect.org
Mixers are a great way to meet fellow business owners, and stay connected to the Amador County business community. Our mixers feature food, beverages, a raffle and best of all, an opportunity to network and socialize. Bring a raffle item to donate, and receive 5 extra raffle tickets free! Our raffles are the best! http://amadorchamber.com/
ASTRONOMY IN THE UPCOUNTRY - Telescope Workshop presented by Gold Country Astronomers! Thursday, September 29 & 30 from 6:30-8pm, and Saturday, October 1. Starts at dusk at the Pioneer Veteran’s Hall (25155 Buckhorn Ridge Rd in Pioneer) on Sept. 29 & 30, and at Mollie Joyce Park (23884 Woodfern Dr in Pioneer) on Oct. 1. $35 per family. Do you have a telescope and don’t know how to use it? Come to this workshop where you will learn how to use your telescope the first 2 nights and then the third night you will take a field trip to use what you have learned. This workshop is being presented by Gold Country Astronomers. For more information on the Astronomy in the Upcountry class, or any ACRA classes, please contact Barbara at ACRA at (209) 223-6349 or bnichols@amadorgov.org
ASTRONOMY IN THE UPCOUNTRY - Telescope Workshop presented by Gold Country Astronomers! Thursday, September 29 & 30 from 6:30-8pm, and Saturday, October 1. Starts at dusk at the Pioneer Veteran’s Hall (25155 Buckhorn Ridge Rd in Pioneer) on Sept. 29 & 30, and at Mollie Joyce Park (23884 Woodfern Dr in Pioneer) on Oct. 1. $35 per family. Do you have a telescope and don’t know how to use it? Come to this workshop where you will learn how to use your telescope the first 2 nights and then the third night you will take a field trip to use what you have learned. This workshop is being presented by Gold Country Astronomers. For more information on the Astronomy in the Upcountry class, or any ACRA classes, please contact Barbara at ACRA at (209) 223-6349 or bnichols@amadorgov.org
- Amador Vintners host 24th Annual Big Crush Harvest Festival - Oct 1 & 2
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover: Oskar Blues Brewery - Wed Oct 5
- Motivate Our Youth: 1st Annual Youth 5K Fun Run - Sun Oct 30
- Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover: Oskar Blues Brewery - Wed Oct 5
- Motivate Our Youth: 1st Annual Youth 5K Fun Run - Sun Oct 30
- Redneck BBQ Bash Release Party at Andis - Sat Nov 5
SAVE THE DATE! “GOLDEN THREADS” QUILT SHOW - Mother Lode Quilters’ Guild Presents “Golden Threads” Quilt Show on October 1-2, 2016, Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Featured Quilter: Sandra Mollon. Quilts, Wearable Art, Vendors, Country Store, Silent Auction, and Guild Challenge. At the Historic Downtown Sutter Creek Auditorium and Community Center. Admission $6.00 For more information, call Anelie at 296-7059 or visit: www.mlqgsuttercreek.org
SAVE THE DATE! “GOLDEN THREADS” QUILT SHOW - Mother Lode Quilters’ Guild Presents “Golden Threads” Quilt Show on October 1-2, 2016, Saturday, 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. and Sunday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. Featured Quilter: Sandra Mollon. Quilts, Wearable Art, Vendors, Country Store, Silent Auction, and Guild Challenge. At the Historic Downtown Sutter Creek Auditorium and Community Center. Admission $6.00 For more information, call Anelie at 296-7059 or visit: www.mlqgsuttercreek.org
ANNUAL REDNECK BBQ BASH RELEASE PARTY AT ANDIS - Git yerselves on over to Andis Wines for the Annual Redneck BBQ bash on Saturday November 5! New red wine releases, dancin' on the crushpad, and a feast of finger-lickin' good food. It's a hootin’ and hollerin’ great time y’all won’t wanna miss.
Taste new wine releases and feast on mouth-watering baby back ribs, stuffed grilled jalapenos, shish kabobs and more. Tickets include a commemorative wine glass, or bring back your glass from last year's event and get $5 off your ticket price.
RSVP required, seating limited, must be 21+ years old to attend.
$45/person, $40/wine club (must login to receive discount)
Visit andiswines.com for more information!
SAVE THE DATE! 7th ANNUAL BOOTS ‘N BOOKS CONCERT - The Friends of the Amador County Library are very excited to announce Adrian Brannan–aka Adrian Buckaroogirl as the featured guest at their annual Boots ‘N Books Concert. The young singer has won much praise, including that of veteran cowboy singer Dave Stamey. Stamey, who has sung at three B&B concerts, says of Buckaroogirl: “She writes all of her own music. It’s very centered on the buckaroo lifestyle. She’s the real deal."
You can preview Adrian's music at her website http://www.buckaroogirl.com/
The concert is set for 3 pm, Sunday, February 12, 2017 at Pine Grove Community Church.
E-mail your releases, briefs, newsletters, announcements, etc. for our calendar to: acneditor@gmail.com
Opinions & Issues
MARK BENNETT - Outside the Ivory Tower: Rhetoric or Reality?
OP ED: Molly Taylor: Planning is about defining our future.
GWEN CLAYTON: Pines need a cold, wet winter
PETITION: Fully investigate Amador County Supervisors’ Actions on HHS Building
GUEST COMMENTARY: Supervising Kickbacks - Mike SpenceOP ED: Molly Taylor: Planning is about defining our future.
GWEN CLAYTON: Pines need a cold, wet winter
PETITION: Fully investigate Amador County Supervisors’ Actions on HHS Building
FROM THE CITY OF IONE: The City of Ione needs your help to prevent vandalism and apprehend individuals who vandalize our parks and recreational facilities. Please call City Hall at 209-274-2412 or Sheriff Dispatch (after hours) at 209-223-6513 to report vandalism to your park facilities. Why is it important to stop vandalism? If you think vandalism isn't your problem, think again. Here are a few reasons why vandalism hurts everyone.Vandalism destroys what your tax dollars have created. Each year vandals destroy thousands of dollars' worth of park facilities and equipment funded by tax dollars. A few minutes of destructive "fun" can add up to huge losses for our City's parks. Vandalism is a problem at all parks throughout Ione costing the city thousands of dollars per year. Vandalism takes dollars away from recreational programs and facilities. It costs money to repair or replace whatever a vandal's actions have destroyed. For example, the cost of removing writing from the Skat Park can easily reach $1000 for sandblasting costs. Replacing a destroyed bench involves high labor repair and materials costs.
Here's what you can do to help prevent and address vandalism.
Always call 9-1-1 to report any crime in progress, including vandalism.
If you have information about a crime that has occurred in a park, but that does not require an immediate police response, please call 209-274-2412.
Thank you for helping!
CLICK HERE for the County Government Calendar
AMADOR COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS meets on the 2nd & 4th Tues at 9AM.
SUTTER CREEK CITY COUNCIL meets on the 1st & 3rd Mon at 7 PM.
JACKSON CITY COUNCIL meets on the 2nd & 4th Mon at 7 PM.
UPCOUNTRY COMMUNITY COUNCIL meets on the 2nd Mon at 6 PM.
JACKSON PLANNING COMMISSION meets on the 3rd Mon at 7 PM.
IONE CITY COUNCIL meets on the 1st & 3rd Tues at 6 PM.
IONE PLANNING COMMISSION meets on the 2nd Tues at 6PM
IONE PLANNING COMMISSION meets on the 2nd Tues at 6PM
AMADOR COUNTY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT meets on the 2nd & 4th Wed at 6:30 PM.
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL meets on 2nd & 4th Thurs at 6:30 PM.
AMADOR WATER AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9 AM.
Amador County Civil Grand Jury Special Investigation Report
Amador County Civil Grand Jury Special Investigation Report
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP - Interim Healthcare of Jackson is hosting monthly Parkinson’s Disease Support Group every third Tuesday of the month, from 10:30 am to 12 noon. We have a speaker for most meetings. We also have painting lessons for those who are interested. Call us at 209-223-9119 for more information.
AMADOR COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE meets on the 1st Monday of every month at 7PM at their office at 557 Hwy 49 Suite 3, Jackson. Call 209-257-1397. The public is welcome to attend.
AMADOR REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE meets on the on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at their headquarters located at 12275 Martell Road (across from Panda House Restaurant). Our meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged. For more information, visit: http://amadorrepublicans.com/
AMADOR REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE meets on the on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at their headquarters located at 12275 Martell Road (across from Panda House Restaurant). Our meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged. For more information, visit: http://amadorrepublicans.com/
OVER-EATERS ANONYMOUS OF JACKSON…if you think you have a problem with food. Everyone is welcome! Every Monday and Friday, 5:30 PM, Sutter Amador Hospital. Oakview Conference Room, in Education Dept on 2nd Floor. Contact Liz, 295-6921.
MOM TO MOM PERINATAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP- Second Saturday of every month from 2:30 - 4:00 pm, 975 Broadway, Jackson. In this group for new moms and pregnant women, we: support moms to recover from pregnancy and birth, help you feel well and be the mom you want to be, discuss anxiety, stress, depression, and difficulty adjusting, learn coping and communication skills, and relaxation techniques. A project of the Amador-Calaveras Perinatal Wellness Coalition, and facilitated by Christa Thompson, LCSW. First group will be held on Saturday, May 14. For questions, more information, and to RSVP for free child care, please call 257-1092.
Classes, Workshops, Seminars
MOM TO MOM PERINATAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP- Second Saturday of every month from 2:30 - 4:00 pm, 975 Broadway, Jackson. In this group for new moms and pregnant women, we: support moms to recover from pregnancy and birth, help you feel well and be the mom you want to be, discuss anxiety, stress, depression, and difficulty adjusting, learn coping and communication skills, and relaxation techniques. A project of the Amador-Calaveras Perinatal Wellness Coalition, and facilitated by Christa Thompson, LCSW. First group will be held on Saturday, May 14. For questions, more information, and to RSVP for free child care, please call 257-1092.
Classes, Workshops, Seminars
Cool fun and aerobics at New York Fitness!
Amador County Recreation Agency (ACRA): Workshops, Classes, Programs and more!
Amador County Recreation Agency (ACRA): Workshops, Classes, Programs and more!
GOLDEN GIRLS/GUYS SENIOR FITNESS: I'm excited to announce the return of Golden Girls/Guys classes at 10 a.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays in Pine Grove at Team Fitness.
We will improve our balance, strength and stamina. The 45-minute classes are geared for seniors and for going at your own pace. Pay as you go or prepay $50 for 10 classes.
We have fun to the great oldies and classes are small so you get lots of individual attention from a Certified Personal Fitness trainer who from experience, understands the issues of aging and helping the body stay healthy and strong.
Contact: Cherie Maitland at 209 304 5139
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP - Interim Healthcare of Jackson is hosting monthly Parkinson’s Disease Support Group every third Tuesday of the month, from 10:30 am to 12 noon. We have a speaker for most meetings. We also have painting lessons for those who are interested. Call us at 209-223-9119 for more information.
NEW YORK FITNESS’ WOMEN’S SELF DEFENSE CLASSES - Classes are free to members. Non-members, only $10 per class. Join the gym, and get the classes for free! Monday nights from 5-6PM in the Yoga Studio at NY Fitness, 615 New York Ranch Road, Jackson. This is an active class; please wear comfortable clothes.
Learn how to hit, strike, knee and kick. Learn how to defend yourself against grabs. Chokes, bear hugs and ground attacks.
LOCAL LANGUAGE LEARNING OPPORTUNITIES - Bilinguals of all kinds and second language learners have many advantages, intelligence boosting, better job opportunities, higher salaries in public and other types of employment, more job security and best of all the study of another language is fun and provides protection against dementia, the scourge of aging America! If you are ready to begin language studies now, or resume them in or around Amador county, I can help you find a way to get started whether through tutoring, classes, videos or tapes, on the internet, using music or television, geared to your style of learning and in the time that you have available. The secret of getting ahead is getting started and this is something people tend to put off for years, to their detriment. Expand your mind, and your horizons. Take the first step and call Profe Nora at 223-3322 for free advice.
ARE YOU A LOCAL ARTIST? Join the Amador County Artists Association, to share, network, and support local artists. The ACAA meets the second Wednesday of each month at 7 PM at the Amador Senior Center. Our meetings are open to the public, so come and join us! For more information, visit: AmadorArtists.org
GENTLE HATHA YOGA CLASSES meet on Wednesdays and Fridays from 12 to 12:45 pm at Team Fitness in Pine Grove. Classes are kept small for lots of special attention to help you make those healthy changes you've been wanting to make. Excellent classes for beginners and seniors! $8 or a pass of 10 sessions for $65. Contact: Cherie Maitland coach@jacksonteamfitness.com
Events Calendars & Activities
AmadorCounty Arts Council - AmadorArts.org
Amador County Artists Association - AmadorArtists.org
Amador County Recreation Agency - goACRA.org
Amador Council of Tourism - TourAmador.com
Amador Vintner's Association - AmadorWine.com
Main Street Theater Works - MSTW.org
Sutter Creek Theater - SutterCreekTheater.com
Preston Castle Foundation Events for 2016
- Main Street Theatre Works announces 2016 Summer Season
-FYI: World Gold Panning Championships 2016 - Sept 11-18
SAVE THE DATE! Amador Community College Foundation (ACCF) Presents "Koyou – A Night in Japan’s Red Leaves" - Sat Nov 5
Music Events at Bella Grace
Sizzling Summer Events at The St. George!
Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover" events scheduled through November
SAVE THE DATE! Amador Community College Foundation (ACCF) Presents "Koyou – A Night in Japan’s Red Leaves" - Sat Nov 5
Music Events at Bella Grace
Sizzling Summer Events at The St. George!
Sutter Creek Provisions "Tap Takeover" events scheduled through November
A CUP OF YARN: Hey everyone, if you are into knitting, come join the ladies every 1st Monday of the month at Sina’s Backroads Cafe in Sutter Creek, from 10:30 to noonish! The group name is A Cup of Yarn on Facebook. Come join the fun! Good people Good food!
SCOFIELDS COWBOY CAMPFIRE 2016 SCHEDULE in Fiddletown can be found at:
More announcements...
From the Chamber: Reminder of New and Updated HR Regulations
Amador County 4-H Open Enrollment Going on Now!
Out of 101 Best Wineries in America, Andis Wines Ranks #72!
Amador County 4-H Open Enrollment Going on Now!
Out of 101 Best Wineries in America, Andis Wines Ranks #72!
VIA UPCOUNTRY COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Here's the information and application for the free low flow toilets & shower heads. Please read the requirements on "Eligibility" to be sure that you're a customer of one of the listed water agencies. Also, put your home address on the map by clicking on the "here" in the sentence "You can view a map of these areas here." Or you can call to verify that you're eligible. If you are, fill out and submit the information on the "Application" page. http://umrwa-conserve.org/
ROARING CAMP! Only 5 more Saturday Night BBQ’s left for the season, don’t miss out, call us and make your reservations soon. September 3 is full, but we have some seats left for the other Saturdays. We look forward to seeing you all soon! www.roaringcampgold.com
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/Roaring-Camp-127221597302847/
MOBILE VENDORS SOUGHT: THE VELVET ROPE FILM FESTIVAL is scheduled for Sept 30, Oct 1 & 2 in Sutter Creek! Information on the event can be found at: http://www.vrff-ca.com/ . If you are interested in being a mobile vendor, please contact Nina Kuhl at ninamkuhl@gmail.com, or PM on Facebook (www.facebook.com/NinaKuhl).
Facebook event page: https://www.facebook.com/events/321795241544524/
E-mail: Vendors@VelvetRopeFilmFest.com for a vendor contract.
JACKSON FD PINK RIBBON PROJECT: In the fire service, we take tradition very seriously. So, for the 5th year now, we are carrying on the tradition of selling our pink fire department shirts to you and raising money for the Amador Stars! All of the money that we raise stays here in Amador County, supporting those fighting cancer with transportation to and from appointments, support during the battle and other resources to help families during the fight.
To date, we have sold over 500 shirts and raised nearly $5,000. This year, our goal is to sell over 200 shirts. Help us support this great cause and get your shirt today! Each shirt costs only $15 this year, and these are the shirts that Jackson's bravest will be wearing for the month of October while on duty.
Order yours today! Click here to order online: https://www.booster.com/jfd2016
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS: THE AMADOR COUNTY LIBRARY is seeking volunteers to assist the library staff with children's weekly story time.
Duties include helping to prepare story times by selecting appropriate reading material and crafts for pre-school children.
The story time helper would also read to the children at least twice a month. Story times are scheduled once a week on Thursdays from 10:30-11:00 am.
All county volunteers are required to:
1) Fill out a volunteer application (pick one up at the library);
2) Meet with the County Librarian to go over the volunteer position requirements;
3) Be fingerprinted and have a background check. (Fingerprinting and background checks are paid for by the library.)
If you are interested, please stop by the Library in Jackson (next to True Value Hardware) and fill out a volunteer application.
Jim Powell
FACL Board Member
UCC EXTENSION WILD PIG DAMAGE SURVEY - In managed rangelands and agricultural areas, feral or wild pigs are a significant pest species. However, estimates of total damaged area occurring on these lands are ill-defined and subject to a high degree of variability. Wild pigs can be important vectors of disease, can cause forage and crop loss and set up sites for erosion affecting water quality and allow invasive plant species to establish. They can also prey on livestock. The geographical extent of wild pig damage in California is currently unknown making it difficult to mitigate and manage losses, and estimate the economic impact on private landowners and public lands.
UCCE Livestock and Range Advisors and Wildlife Specialists need your help by filling out a short statewide survey on wild pig damage found at: http://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=16522
The survey should only take about 15 minutes to complete. Individual identities and survey responses will be kept confidential. Participation in the survey is entirely voluntary.
In conjunction with the survey we have developed a smart phone or tablet app that will help landowners and managers identify and record feral pig damage so that we can estimate the land area and economic impacts of feral pig damage over a longer time period. If you are interested in participating in data collection using our mobile application, please fill out the survey and indicate your interest at the end.
If you have questions about the survey or would like a paper copy, please contact either UCCE Livestock & Natural Resources Advisor, John Harper, at 707-463-4495 or jmharper@ucanr.edu or UCCE Wildlife Specialist, Roger Baldwin, at (530) 752-4551 or rabaldwin@ucdavis.edu
TAKE THE SURVEY! Dear Friends of the Arts, AmadorArts would like your input about current arts activities in our community! Your valuable feedback will help us to improve existing programs and create new opportunities to engage in the Arts in Amador County.
Please take a few minutes to complete a Community Arts Survey through the link below. It is only 15 questions and will take just a few minutes. And, if you would like, we will enter you into a drawing to win Winefest 2016 Tickets as a Thank You for your time.
Click on the link below to start the survey:
Feel free to share this link with any of your friends who Heart the Arts as well,
And THANK YOU for supporting the Arts in Amador!
AmadorArts - Amador County Arts Council
11A Randolph Street
PO BOX 206
Sutter Creek, Ca 95685
209 267 9038
"WOOD ANGELS provide free firewood to seniors, disabled, vets, and others in need who are having a hard time making ends meet.
Wood donations are primarily from private property owners
Wood Angels need to continue this service as the need is growing and they need monetary donations as well as volunteers, who are willing to split wood, stack wood, pick-up wood, and make deliveries of wood.
The group is totally volunteers, and no one is compensated for their time. All monetary donations go towards gas for pick-up/delivery, chainsaws, chains for chainsaws, splitter and splitter repairs, tarps, base rock for yard, pods for storing equipment at yards, new or used trucks for same.
Wood Angels have a Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/firewoodangels/) and are in the process of developing a website
Thanks for the opportunity to share this very valuable service for the residents of Amador County. If you need any more information, please contact me (Nancy) at the info below. Again, thank you!"
Nancy Fort
(209) 295-4876 (office)
(209) 256-2226 (cell)
SHOWCASE YOUR BUSINESS! The Tri Chamber Golf Tournament is looking for 6 Amador County businesses to showcase their services as a Hole Sponsor at Saddle Creek Golf Resort in Copperopolis, Wednesday, Sept. 14.
There is no fee -- you will have a station at one of the tees on the course, and will greet each golfer with your sample, goody, or offer.
Amador, Calaveras and Sonora Chambers of Commerce have teamed up on this elite event that is attracting business and community leaders for a great day of golf, networking and economic development!
Contact Lucy Hackett at the Amador Co. Chamber of Commerce, 209-223-0350, if you are interested in being a Hole Sponsor -- or would like to enter a foursome.
SEEKING VOLUNTEERS: Teams are now forming. Won’t you join a team and help us to raise awareness and funds for the Amador STARS?
Have a few hours to volunteer and help this event run smoothly?
You can make a donation to Amador STARS to help support Camp Out for Cancer.
We have a free music festival from 9 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Saturday September 10th at the Amador County Fairgrounds. All local talented musicians donating their time for the good of the cause. Sound Man Pete Bell keeps the tunes flowing.
This is a totally volunteer event, and we thank everyone for giving their time and efforts to the Camp Out for Cancer. For more information call 267-1246.
TAKE THE SURVEY! Dear Amador County Employers: The Amador Community College Foundation is conducting a survey of Amador County employers regarding your workforce training needs. Please take a few minutes today to help ACCF better understand what training and employment services for adults (age 18 plus) are needed in Amador County.
Amador College Connect (formerly Amador Learning Center) can help meet those needs.
The link to our online survey is:
Your response will be confidential. We would appreciate your reply by September 1st.
Thanks so much for helping us!
A MESSAGE FROM THE ANIMAL SHELTER: It seems there are always "stray" dogs at the shelter. Many dogs are found wandering by community members, others are picked up by AC.
Please, please, if your dog has gone missing call the shelter or better yet go to the shelter. Take them a flyer or a copy of a photo and description. Check back daily. Currently there are several "stray" dogs there. Big dogs and small dogs! If your dog (or cat) missing he might be waiting for you, alone and scared. (209)223-6378 12340 Airport Rd. Jackson
INVITATION TO JOIN THE LOCKWOOD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AUXILIARY - We raise money for our volunteer personnel and have a lot of fun doing this. We have dinners, concerts and our annual pancake breakfast.
We meet every first Monday of the month. If you are interested in joining our group, contact
Carol Asmus at 209-2396-5681 or Marilyn Dillion, VP at 209-296-8011. Our website is www.lockwoodfire.org
GREEN WASTE DUMPSTER AT LOCKWOOD FIRE STATION: To assist the upcountry residents with keeping a defensible space around their homes, Amador Fire Safe Council working together with Farmers Insurance obtained a grant to provide a green waste dumpster at Lockwood Fire Station #151.
This is the second year this program has been available to those in the Lockwood Fire District area. Anyone can use the dumpster as long as it is only vegetation - pine needles, leaves and branches less than 2 inches in diameter. Due to the discovery of electronic waste in the dumpster, video cameras are now monitoring the dumpster and fire station area.
The dumpster is located at 23141 Shake Ridge Road, approximately 3 miles above Daffodil Hill. If you use the dumpster, please clean up after use and insure all vegetation is inside the dumpster. No plastic bags are allowed in the dumpster. We encourage everyone to use this free service to help keep your home safe.
For more information, contact Jackie Vaughn, Communications, Lockwood Fire Protection District, 209-296-5122.
-----VIA UPCOUNTRY COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Here's the information and application for the free low flow toilets & shower heads. Please read the requirements on "Eligibility" to be sure that you're a customer of one of the listed water agencies. Also, put your home address on the map by clicking on the "here" in the sentence "You can view a map of these areas here." Or you can call to verify that you're eligible. If you are, fill out and submit the information on the "Application" page. http://umrwa-conserve.org/
FYI: The Office of Administrative Law approved the re-adoption of the Board of Forestry and Fire Protection’s Drought Mortality Amendments. This emergency regulatory action readopts the 1038(k), Forest Practice Rule relating to the harvesting of dead and dying trees related to drought and bark beetle induced mortality.
The Department of Insurance completed the “Home/Residential Insurance and Wildfire FAQs” document to provide information for homeowners experiencing cancellations or non-renewals, Fair Plan information and other pertinent homeowner insurance information. The FAQ document has been posted to the Tree Mortality website. See links.
INTERFAITH FOOD BANK: Twice Monthly FREE Produce Distribution
Once again, the Interfaith Food Bank will be hosting the FREE Produce Distribution at St. Katherine Drexel Parish at 11361 Prospect Drive in Jackson (Catholic Center).
Qualified IFB clients will be allowed to pick up fresh fruits and vegetables on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month through October 26, 2016.
GALLERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at the AmadorArts Gallery in Sutter Creek.
Every Saturday & Sunday the Gallery is staffed by volunteers from 11-4. You do not need to be an artist, just enjoy art and chatting with people
Call or email DeDe at 267-9850 or email: dederyan@sbcglobal.net
NOTE FROM LYNN MORGAN (D3 SUPERVISOR): “...I received a notice from our General Services Director, Jon Hopkins, about how best to report unusual wildlife behavior.
There is apparently an increase in rabid skunks in our county. Though I hope you are aware that wildlife should mostly be left alone, not fed, IF you notice any wild animal acting strangely, especially during daylight hours when most stay hidden, please call Animal Control, 223-6378. Thanks and have a good week." -L
EDITOR’S NOTE: Rabies links and resources on CA Public Health: http://www.cdph.ca.gov/healthinfo/discond/pages/rabies.aspx
THE LABYRINTH PROJECT - Have you heard about labyrinths? Do you wonder what they are? What they do? Why they are so popular? The Labyrinth Project has formed in Amador County and is looking for people who may be interested in learning about labyrinths and in being trained to become a volunteer/docent for labyrinth walks. To learn more, contact The Labyrinth Project at (209) 256-3750 or e-mail the Labyrinth Project Coordinator at mvandermeer@norcalmha.org
DO YOU HAVE A HEART FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS? Can you offer a safe, loving and supportive home? Do you have a desire to improve your community?
There is an immediate need for Foster Families in Amador County! Families of all kinds are welcomed! Foster care needed for ages 0-18. SCFS offers guidance, support and ongoing training throughout the entire foster care process.
Please call Sierra Child & Family Services, 209-257-1244.
MINER’S BEND COMMEMORATIVE BRICK PATHWAY - PERSONALIZED BRICKS AVAILABLE -The Sutter Creek Community Benefit Foundation invites you to participate in Sutter Creek’s new Miners’ Bend Historic Gold Mining Park by buying a personalized engraved brick in the Commemorative Pathway. You and your family will not only provide financial support to the Foundation and help finish this park, but you will cement your place in Amador County’s gold mining history forever.
The SCCBF’s goal for completion of this park is this summer, 2016. The Park will feature over a dozen displays telling the story of Amador's roll in the California Gold Rush. Work is being done on interpretive signage that will give visitors a brief history of the gold rush in Sutter Creek and Amador County, with historic photos and descriptions of each artifact on display.
Purchasing a brick is the perfect way to commemorate loved ones, promote your business or organization, honor a special occasion, or find that special gift. Personalized Bricks start at only $100. Remember, your brick purchase is tax deductible. Buying a personalized brick helps the Sutter Creek Community Benefit Foundation preserve our cultural heritage in Amador County. To order, visit www.sccbf.org . For more information please call Frank Cunha at 209-304-9192.
BE A DISASTER HEALTH CARE VOLUNTEER! County volunteer application and fingerprinting scan required. Once clearance is received, you would be sworn in as a Disaster Service Worker. For more information, visit: https://www.healthcarevolunteers.ca.gov/
ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - The Amador County Artist Association (ACAA) has several benefits to being a member, one of those being Art in Public Places, where the artist can get regular exposure to build a reputation and occasionally make a sale with no commission fees. This program also gives the location the opportunity to be known for original art on their walls and to promote awareness of original art. The exhibits rotate every 2 months.
Our current locations include Rosebud’s Cafe (downtown Jackson); the Superior Court of CA, County of Amador; American River Bank; Amador Senior Center; Sierra Eye Care; Amador Residential Care; Jackson Paint Spot; and Castle Oaks Golf Club in Ione. Currently, the program has a good balance of artists to locations. New artists and locations are always welcome. If you would like more information, contact Colleen Williams, Committee Chairperson, colleenwill@volcano.net or (209) 295-2877.
INTERFAITH FOOD BANK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Interfaith Food Bank is trying to increase its volunteer roster. If you are looking to fill some time, build your resume, get some exercise, and give back to the community, the Food Bank has a variety of opportunities to do so. We are looking for volunteers to work both on-call and weekly shifts. Please email or call Assistant Program Coordinator Claire Gunselman cgfeedamador@gmail.com or 209-267-9006. Must be 18 years and older. Positions in warehouse, food pick up and drivers (DMV record required).
FREE GREEN WASTE RECYCLING IN SUTTER CREEK: A dumpster has been placed at the Sutter Creek Fire District Station One, 350 Hanford Street, for yard waste recycling. This service is available to ALL Amador County citizens. Only small yard pruning are accepted...no large limbs, stumps, garbage, appliances or construction debris.
PHONE NUMBERS for Upcountry Community, Ione Family Resource, & Camanche Lake Community Centers:
Upcountry Community Center
19386 Hwy 88
Pine Grove, CA 95665
P: (209) 296-2785
F: (209) 296-2782
Ione Family Resource Center
17 S. Buena Vista Rd.
Ione, CA 95640
P: (209) 274-4655
F: (209) 274-4665
Camanche Lake Community Center
4419 Camanche Pkwy N.
Ione, CA 95640
P: (209) 763-2720
F: (209) 763-2740
AMADOR SENIOR VISITORS PROGRAM NEEDS VOLUNTEERS. Join a great group of people working in the community to help our Senior Citizens live safer, healthier lives. Please call Eileen at 223-0442 for information about how you can help!
DO YOU HAVE STACKS OF NEWSPAPERS laying around your house, waiting to be recycled? Then please bring them on down to the Busi Parking lot in Jackson behind Mel's. The Boy Scout Troops of Amador County are collecting your newspaper donations and accept on an on-going basis. The large cargo container sits at the very back of the parking lot. There should be pallets next to the dumpster, where everyone can leave their stacks. Anyone can drop off their newspapers 7 days a week, day or night. We ask that you only donate actual newspapers, no glossy advertising, magazines or books. All proceeds directly benefit the various Troops in Amador County. It's a Win-Win for everyone, Scouts, you and the environment! For more information, contact Jenny Fritz at artsychickenfarm@gmail.com
For current listings, visit: http://www.co.amador.ca.us/departments/human-resources/employment-opportunities
JOB OPENINGS: VICTORY VILLAGE: Are you interested in helping veterans? We have an opening for Outreach Specialist and Housing/Benefits Coordinator. Resumes can be sent to info@victoryvillageamador.org, dropped off at 12408 Kennedy Flat Road in Jackson or faxed to 209-223-2297. Please include a cover letter. For more information and job descriptions for the positions, call 209-223-2286.