Updates have been made in all of our departments!
Check them out below, or see our daily posts on Facebook at: facebook.com/AmadorCounty
<---Be sure to check out the slideshow of event flyers for March events in the left hand side bar (above the Newser feed). It's only $5/month to have your flyer included in our slideshow, and in our shareable Facebook albums!
We thank our supporting advertisers for supporting Amador County's local community media!
It's only $5/month or $50/year (yes, year) to be a supporting advertiser on ACN!
Contact Carol Harper at acneditor@gmail.com or go to: CarolHarperMedia.com
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network. Thank you for your support of Amador's community media!
News & Announcements
TSPN's "Open Mike" Friday - Jessica Ramsey - AmadorSoapbox.com
Most Fire Deaths Result in Homes with No Smoke Alarms - www.AmadorGovernment.com
The Arc of Amador and Calaveras County Awarded Top Rating by Independent Examiner -
Daffodil Hill Opening mid-March through mid-April - LifeInAmador.com
Outside the Ivory Tower: "42 Roads Continued" - Mark Bennett - AmadorSoapbox.com
Sophia's Well of Wisdom - March 2013 Newsletter - AmadorInterfaith.com
Tax Deductible Donations Needed for Habitat for Humanity - AmadorSoapbox.com
49er Treasure Trail kicks off March 22 & 23rd - LifeInAmador.com
Aldo Leopold documentary to screen at the Sutter Creek Theater - Sun Mar 24 -
Amador Arts Council Update: Arts Activities in Amador County - AmadorArts.com
ACRA Events & Activities Update - LifeInAmador.com
Amador Water Agency receives big bonus for safe operations - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Courage to Start - Determination to Finish . . 5K Training for Beginners Starts March 6 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Upcountry Community Council Meeting - Mon Mar 11 - www.UCCAmador.com
Begin training for 5K and 10JK "Fitness Made FUN" - Tues & Thurs -
Raffle for Home Tour Opportunity Quilt held Sat Apr 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Team Fitness offers Cardio Kickboxing Class - AmadorHealth.com
Express Workout & Stretch Classes at Team Fitness And a Dozen More! www.AmadorHealth.com
Have a news brief, announcement, press release? Letter to the Editor? A newsletter you'd like to have published? Email them to: acneditor@gmail.com
Technical Advisory Committee - Mon Mar 11 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Upcountry Community Council - Mon Mar 11 - www.uccamador.com
Amador County Planning Commission - Tues Mar 12 - AmadorGovernment.com
Amador County Recreation Agency - Wed Mar 13 - AmadorGroups.com
Amador Tourism Council Meeting - Thurs Mar 14 - AmadorBusiness.com
Amador Water Agency - Thurs Mar 14 - AmadorGovernment.com
SPECIAL MEETING: ACUSD/ACOE - Thurs Mar 14 - AmadorEd.com
Chamber Mixer - Wed Mar 14 - AmadorBusiness.com
Women's Basketball Meeting - Tues Mar 19 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Amador Flyfishers - Tues Mar 19 - AmadorGroups.com
Amador County SELPA Class: ADHD, Nutrition & Lifestyle - Thurs Mar 21 - AmadorHealth.com
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Amador) - Mar 26 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Amador County Women's Network - Wed Mar 27 - AmadorBusiness.com
a meeting in your community that you'd like Amador County to know about? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us
what it is, date, time, location and a brief description of what the
meeting is about. Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Classes, Workshops & Seminars
Amador HS Advanced Drama Presents: "Pride & Prejudice" - Mar 5-Mar 23 - AmadorArts.com
ACCF: "Our Night Sky" Series - Mar-Apr 2013 - www.AmadorEd.com
FREE CLASS: Backyard Chickens - Sat Mar 9 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
Medicine Cabinet Makeover Class with Jon Chase - Fri Mar 15 -AmadorHealth.com
Amador County Concert Band’s St. Patrick’s Day Concert - Sun Mar 17 - AmadorArts.com
Amador Student Music Fund Bingo Benefit - Mon Mar 18 - AmadorGroups.com
Family Support Volunteer Training - Mar 18-21 - www.AmadorElders.org
Creative Curriculum Ideas and Resources Workshop - Tues Mar 19 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Fraud Awareness Seminar - Tues March 19 - www.AmadorElders.org
Amador County SELPA Class: ADHD, Nutrition & Lifestyle - Thurs Mar 21 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Growing Great Vegetables - Sat Mar 23 - LifeInAmador.com
Holding a class, workshop or seminar? Send us a quick
announcement/brief, telling us about it, give the date, time, location and a
brief description of what the class is about. Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Activities & Events
AAUW: Winners of 2nd Annual Jr. High Essay Contest - Fri Mar 8 - AmadorEd.com
Amador HS Advanced Drama Presents: "Pride & Prejudice" - Mar 5-Mar 23 - AmadorArts.com
"Learning Spanish" - Mar 1-24 - www.AmadorArts.com
Jewel Thieves! opens Friday March 1st at Blue Mountain Theater - Mar 1 through Mar 16 - www.AmadorArts.com
AAUW: Winners of 2nd Annual Jr. High Essay Contest - Fri Mar 8
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
LFPDA: 2nd Annual "Taco de Marzo" - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Blind Dog Run (original rock from Sacramento) at Bg's Lounge - Sat Mar 9 www.bgjackson.com
Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Kim Angelis and Josef Gault - Sat Mar 9 - AmadorArts.com
Motherlode Friends of Music: Music from Finland - Sun Mar 10 - AmadorArts.com
OPEN HOUSE: SAH Surgical Hospitalist Program Open House - Wed Mar 13 - AmadorHealth.com
ACCF 25th Annual Bunsen To Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 16 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dinner for Saint Patrick's Day - Sun Mar 17 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Amador Student Music Fund Bingo Benefit - Mon Mar 18 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Motherlode Cruise - www.MotherlodeCruise.com
ACCF's 25th Annual Bunsen to Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 26 - www.AmadorEd.com
Aldo Leopold documentary to screen at the Sutter Creek Theater - Sun Mar 24 -
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Amador) - Tues Mar 26 - AmadorHealth.com
Amador Wedding Faire - Sun Apr 7 - www.AmadorWeddings.com
Murder Mystery Dinner Benefit for Food Bank - April 20 - www.AmadorSoapbox.com
41st Annual AAUW Home Tour: "Jackson Rediscovered - Sat April 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dobra Zemlja's "Taste of Croatia" Tour - May 4-18 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Jazzin' It Up in Jackson - Sat Jun 22 - AmadorArts.com
Having an event? Event flyers are only $5/month or unlimited postings of event flyers are only $50/year (yes, year)!
Email your flyers (JPEG or PDF) to: acneditor@gmail.com
For more information go to: CarolHarperMedia.com
Classified Ads
NOTARY PUBLIC AVAILABLE! www.laneassociatesonline.com
DOGGIE DOOR MANNERS: Would you like some help
teaching your dog that jumping on you or your friends is rude in the
human world and that sitting politely opens the door to all sorts of
good things. Save on a private training lesson in your home for only $59
or $49 if you come to me in Pine Grove. Limited number available - so
schedule yours soon! Contact Cherie Maitland at Our Furry Friends -
Training with Respect & Understanding. Call 209-296-4DOG (4364) or
EQUIPMENT (medical or otherwise): AAMT Book of Style, Electronic, 2nd
edition-still in packaging, never used, AAMT Book of Style, Student
Workbook CD-ROM and hard copy, Walkabout Write Digital System by
Dictaphone-complete system includes footpedal, earphones, and CD, and
one Panasonic
Standard Cassette Transcriber, one Panasonic
Microcassette Transcriber, both include footpedals. All in excellent
condition. Contact Linda Meadows for all or part,
267-9314 or 267-9012.
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network, www.kcnn.org.
Friday, March 8, 2013
Thursday, March 7, 2013
- Attorney General Kamala D. Harris Announces Funding to Double APPS Program Passes State Senate
- Western Tourism Offices Announce Wine Travel Itinerary
- Community Exposure to Tsunami Hazards in California
- Report: John Muir Historic Site Delivers Millions to Local Economy
Here are today's news headlines:
1) PG&E begins public outreach to residents and businesses immediately downstream of dams
2) Amador County Planning Commission meeting planned for March 12
3) Hospice receives $125 donation from the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance
http://tspntv.com/news-videos/ item/20163-tspn-tv-newscast- with-tom-slivick-3-7-13
Supervisor John Plasse talks with Tom Slivick about what the Amador County budget may look like this year.
http://tspntv.com/component/ k2/item/20162-tspn-tv-news- john-plasse-county-budget-3-7- 13
1) PG&E begins public outreach to residents and businesses immediately downstream of dams
2) Amador County Planning Commission meeting planned for March 12
3) Hospice receives $125 donation from the Calaveras Winegrape Alliance
Supervisor John Plasse talks with Tom Slivick about what the Amador County budget may look like this year.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
TSPN News Headlines - Wed Mar 6
Here are today's news headlines
1) Ione City Council seeks public comment on Mule Creek State Prison infill facilities project
2) California Transportation Commission allocates $333 million to 91 projects statewide
3) 49er Treasure Trail planned for March 22nd-23rd
4) Ione plans 3rd Annual Veterans Memorial Day “Walk for the Troops”
5) Hospice plans Griefbuster training March 17th-18th
Click on the link below to view headlines:
Dennis Dalton talks with Tom Slivick about what will be happening when Detert Park celebrates its grand reopening in a few weeks.
http://tspntv.com/component/ k2/item/20155-tspn-tv-news- dennis-dalton-3-6-13
1) Ione City Council seeks public comment on Mule Creek State Prison infill facilities project
2) California Transportation Commission allocates $333 million to 91 projects statewide
3) 49er Treasure Trail planned for March 22nd-23rd
4) Ione plans 3rd Annual Veterans Memorial Day “Walk for the Troops”
5) Hospice plans Griefbuster training March 17th-18th
Click on the link below to view headlines:
Dennis Dalton talks with Tom Slivick about what will be happening when Detert Park celebrates its grand reopening in a few weeks.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Amador Community News - Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Updates have been made in all of our departments!
Check them out below, or see our daily posts on Facebook at: facebook.com/AmadorCounty
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network. Thank you for your support of Amador's community media!
News & Announcements
Amador Water Agency receives big bonus for safe operations - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Courage to Start - Determination to Finish . . 5K Training for Beginners Starts March 6 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Upcountry Community Council Meeting - Mon Mar 11 - www.UCCAmador.com
Begin training for 5K and 10JK "Fitness Made FUN" - Tues & Thurs -
Raffle for Home Tour Opportunity Quilt held Sat Apr 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Cardio Kickboxing Class offered - www.AmadorHealth.com
Begin training for 5K and 10JK "Fitness Made FUN" - Tues & Thurs - www.AmadorHealth.com
Have a news brief, announcement, press release? Letter to the Editor? A newsletter you'd like to have published?
Email them to: acneditor@gmail.com
AWA Budget & Finance Committee - Wed Mar 6 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
AWA Engineering Committee - Wed Mar 6 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Technical Advisory Committee - Mon Mar 11 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Women's Basketball Meeting - Tues Mar 19 - www.LifeInAmador.com
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Amador) - Mar 26 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Progressive Women's Committee - Thurs Mar 7 - www.AmadorSoapbox.com
Upcountry Community Council - Mon Mar 11
Amador Flyfishers - Tues Mar 19 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Holding a meeting in your community that you'd like Amador County to know about? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us what it is, date, time, location and a brief description of what the meeting is about.
Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Classes, Workshops & Seminars
Creative Curriculum Ideas and Resources Workshop - Tues Mar 19 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Free Beginning Beekeeping Class - Sat Mar 2 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Crime Prevention Awareness Workshop - Mon Mar 4 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
FREE CLASS: Backyard Chickens - Sat Mar 9 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
ACCF: "Our Night Sky" Series - Mar-Apr 2013 - www.AmadorEd.com
Express Workout & Stretch Classes at Team Fitness And a Dozen More! www.AmadorHealth.com
Family Support Volunteer Training - Mar 18-21 - www.AmadorElders.org
Fraud Awareness Seminar - Tues March 19 - www.AmadorElders.org
Amador County SELPA Class: ADHD, Nutrition & Lifestyle - Thurs Mar 21 - www.AmadorHealth.com
ACCF's 25th Annual Bunsen to Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 26 - www.AmadorEd.com
Holding a class, workshop or seminar? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us about it, give the date, time, location and a brief description of what the class is about.
Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Activities & Events
"Learning Spanish" - Mar 1-24 - www.AmadorArts.com
Jewel Thieves! opens Friday March 1st at Blue Mountain Theater - Mar 1 through Mar 16 - www.AmadorArts.com
A Night With the Authors - Tues Mar 5 - www.AmadorEd.com
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
LFPDA: 2nd Annual "Taco de Marzo" - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Blind Dog Run (original rock from Sacramento) at Bg's Lounge - Sat Mar 9 www.bgjackson.com
Sutter Amador Open House: Surgeons Gregory M. Graves & David M. Melniczek - Wed Mar 13 - www.AmadorHealth.com
ACCF 25th Annual Bunsen To Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 16 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dinner for Saint Patrick's Day - Sun Mar 17 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Amador Student Music Fund Bingo Benefit - Mon Mar 18 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Amador Wedding Faire - Sun Apr 7 - www.AmadorWeddings.com
Murder Mystery Dinner Benefit for Food Bank - April 20 - www.AmadorSoapbox.com
41st Annual AAUW Home Tour: "Jackson Rediscovered - Sat April 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dobra Zemlja's "Taste of Croatia" Tour - May 4-18 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Having an event? Event flyers are only $5/month or unlimited postings of event flyers are only $50/year (yes, year)!
Email your flyers (JPEG or PDF) to: acneditor@gmail.com
(NOTE: For event flyers/posters, you will be e-invoiced via email/PayPal.)
Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the infant/toddler classroom including planning, carrying out activities, maintaining the classroom environment, supervising children, parent/teacher conferences and overall maintenance of the center under the supervision of the Site Supervisor. F/T benefitted position, salary DOE. One year experience preferred.
DOGGIE DOOR MANNERS: Would you like some help teaching your dog that jumping on you or your friends is rude in the human world and that sitting politely opens the door to all sorts of good things.Save on a private training lesson in your home for only $59 or $49 if you come to me in Pine Grove. Limited number available - so schedule yours soon! Contact Cherie Maitland at Our Furry Friends - Training with Respect & Understanding. Call 209-296-4DOG (4364) or email
TRANSCRIPTION EQUIPMENT (medical or otherwise): AAMT Book of Style, Electronic, 2nd edition-still in packaging, never used, AAMT Book of Style, Student Workbook CD-ROM and hard copy, Walkabout Write Digital System by Dictaphone-complete system includes footpedal, earphones, and CD, and one Panasonic Standard Cassette Transcriber, one Panasonic Microcassette Transcriber, both include footpedals. All in excellent condition. Contact Linda Meadows for all or part, 267-9314 or 267-9012.
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network, www.kcnn.org.
We thank our supporting advertisers for supporting Amador County's local community media!
It's only $5/month or $50/year (yes, year) to advertise on ACN!
Contact Carol Harper at acneditor@gmail.com or go to: CarolHarperMedia.com
Check them out below, or see our daily posts on Facebook at: facebook.com/AmadorCounty
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network. Thank you for your support of Amador's community media!
News & Announcements
Amador Water Agency receives big bonus for safe operations - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Courage to Start - Determination to Finish . . 5K Training for Beginners Starts March 6 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Upcountry Community Council Meeting - Mon Mar 11 - www.UCCAmador.com
Begin training for 5K and 10JK "Fitness Made FUN" - Tues & Thurs -
Raffle for Home Tour Opportunity Quilt held Sat Apr 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Cardio Kickboxing Class offered - www.AmadorHealth.com
Begin training for 5K and 10JK "Fitness Made FUN" - Tues & Thurs - www.AmadorHealth.com
Have a news brief, announcement, press release? Letter to the Editor? A newsletter you'd like to have published?
Email them to: acneditor@gmail.com
AWA Budget & Finance Committee - Wed Mar 6 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
AWA Engineering Committee - Wed Mar 6 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Technical Advisory Committee - Mon Mar 11 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
Women's Basketball Meeting - Tues Mar 19 - www.LifeInAmador.com
The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI Amador) - Mar 26 - www.AmadorHealth.com
Progressive Women's Committee - Thurs Mar 7 - www.AmadorSoapbox.com
Upcountry Community Council - Mon Mar 11
Amador Flyfishers - Tues Mar 19 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Holding a meeting in your community that you'd like Amador County to know about? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us what it is, date, time, location and a brief description of what the meeting is about.
Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Classes, Workshops & Seminars
Creative Curriculum Ideas and Resources Workshop - Tues Mar 19 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Free Beginning Beekeeping Class - Sat Mar 2 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Crime Prevention Awareness Workshop - Mon Mar 4 - www.AmadorGovernment.com
FREE CLASS: Backyard Chickens - Sat Mar 9 - www.LifeInAmador.com
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
ACCF: "Our Night Sky" Series - Mar-Apr 2013 - www.AmadorEd.com
Express Workout & Stretch Classes at Team Fitness And a Dozen More! www.AmadorHealth.com
Family Support Volunteer Training - Mar 18-21 - www.AmadorElders.org
Fraud Awareness Seminar - Tues March 19 - www.AmadorElders.org
Amador County SELPA Class: ADHD, Nutrition & Lifestyle - Thurs Mar 21 - www.AmadorHealth.com
ACCF's 25th Annual Bunsen to Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 26 - www.AmadorEd.com
Holding a class, workshop or seminar? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us about it, give the date, time, location and a brief description of what the class is about.
Email your briefs to: acneditor@gmail.com
Activities & Events
"Learning Spanish" - Mar 1-24 - www.AmadorArts.com
Jewel Thieves! opens Friday March 1st at Blue Mountain Theater - Mar 1 through Mar 16 - www.AmadorArts.com
A Night With the Authors - Tues Mar 5 - www.AmadorEd.com
Writing for Non-Fiction Film & TV - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorArts.com
LFPDA: 2nd Annual "Taco de Marzo" - Sat Mar 9 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Blind Dog Run (original rock from Sacramento) at Bg's Lounge - Sat Mar 9 www.bgjackson.com
Sutter Amador Open House: Surgeons Gregory M. Graves & David M. Melniczek - Wed Mar 13 - www.AmadorHealth.com
ACCF 25th Annual Bunsen To Beaker 5K - Sat Mar 16 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dinner for Saint Patrick's Day - Sun Mar 17 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Amador Student Music Fund Bingo Benefit - Mon Mar 18 - www.AmadorGroups.com
Amador Wedding Faire - Sun Apr 7 - www.AmadorWeddings.com
Murder Mystery Dinner Benefit for Food Bank - April 20 - www.AmadorSoapbox.com
41st Annual AAUW Home Tour: "Jackson Rediscovered - Sat April 20 - www.AmadorGroups.com/AmadorEd.com
Dobra Zemlja's "Taste of Croatia" Tour - May 4-18 - www.AmadorFoodandWine.com
Having an event? Event flyers are only $5/month or unlimited postings of event flyers are only $50/year (yes, year)!
Email your flyers (JPEG or PDF) to: acneditor@gmail.com
(NOTE: For event flyers/posters, you will be e-invoiced via email/PayPal.)
Responsible for the day-to-day operations of the infant/toddler classroom including planning, carrying out activities, maintaining the classroom environment, supervising children, parent/teacher conferences and overall maintenance of the center under the supervision of the Site Supervisor. F/T benefitted position, salary DOE. One year experience preferred.
- 12 core ECE units minimum (6 units Infant/Toddler class)
- Child Development Associate Teacher Permit
- California Health & Safety Certificate
- CPR/First Aid
- Must be able to pass a criminal record clearance
DOGGIE DOOR MANNERS: Would you like some help teaching your dog that jumping on you or your friends is rude in the human world and that sitting politely opens the door to all sorts of good things.Save on a private training lesson in your home for only $59 or $49 if you come to me in Pine Grove. Limited number available - so schedule yours soon! Contact Cherie Maitland at Our Furry Friends - Training with Respect & Understanding. Call 209-296-4DOG (4364) or email
TRANSCRIPTION EQUIPMENT (medical or otherwise): AAMT Book of Style, Electronic, 2nd edition-still in packaging, never used, AAMT Book of Style, Student Workbook CD-ROM and hard copy, Walkabout Write Digital System by Dictaphone-complete system includes footpedal, earphones, and CD, and one Panasonic Standard Cassette Transcriber, one Panasonic Microcassette Transcriber, both include footpedals. All in excellent condition. Contact Linda Meadows for all or part, 267-9314 or 267-9012.
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network, www.kcnn.org.
We thank our supporting advertisers for supporting Amador County's local community media!
It's only $5/month or $50/year (yes, year) to advertise on ACN!
Contact Carol Harper at acneditor@gmail.com or go to: CarolHarperMedia.com
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