DON'T FORGET TO "FALL BACK"! Daylight Savings ends Sunday, November 3. Set your clocks back 1 hour.
Updates have been made in all of our departments.
Check them out below, or see our daily posts on Facebook at:
We tweet our updates on Twitter, too!
CHECK OUT OUR EVENT FLYERS at the end of this blog post!
Our daily updates are also shareable on both Twitter, Facebook, and Google+!
Just scroll down to the end of the updates and flyers, click on the social network icons and share away!
Amador Community News is a part of the Knight Community News Network. Thank you for supporting your local community media!
NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: HELP!!!!!!!!!! THE INTERFAITH FOOD BANK RAN OUT OF FOOD ON FRIDAY! I was also informed that the food bank isn't receiving as much as they used to from the local grocery stores. SO...IDEA!! Let's come together in our communities and organize some food drives! Hold a food drive in your church, school club, social group, office/co-workers, neighborhood, organization, social network, etc.
They also, of course, take monetary donations, so they can buy staple items such as rice, beans, produce, etc.If you have chicken producing any eggs, they take those, too!
They have an "items most needed" list on the IFB web site.
Visit for complete info!
DOLLAR DRIVE! Amador Community News would like to hold a $5-10-15-20 "Dollar Drive" for the INTERFAITH FOOD BANK!
We have over 35,000 people in Amador County. If all of us even just donated $5, think of how much that would help the food bank!
If you can donate more, all the better!
You can donate directly and securely online at: ________________________________________________
News & Announcements
SAVE MACE MEADOWS! An urgent message to Upcountry Residents re: Mace Meadows Golf Course-
We Heart the Arts! Arts Council update -
Amador County Recreation Agency (ACRA) November 2013 Newsletter
Amador County Artists Association - November 2013 Newsletter
November at New York Fitness -
Dine with the Deavers, Thanksgiving Style - Sat Nov 2 -
Co-op opportunities with Sacramento Magazine and Reno Magazine - Deadline is November 6 -
AWA urges homeowners to prepare homes for Winter -
This weekend...
- FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Fall Book Sale - Nov 1-3 -
- SUTTER CREEK THEATER PRESENTS: Paige Anderson & The Fearless Kin – Sat Nov 2 -
- JACKSON RANCHERIA PRESENTS: Charlie Musselwhite & Coco Montoya – Sat Nov 2 -
- Gallery 10's Featured Artist for November Presents Annie Hughes: "The Hidden Years" - Sat Nov 2 -
- Hanford Street Gallery presents fabric artists through the month of November -
- ART TREK Sat Nov 2nd, and "We Heart the Arts!" Arts Council update -
HEALING WORD CRAFT SHOW – Fri & Sat, Nov 1 & 2 starting at 10AM at Healing Word Church in the Buckhorn Plaza, Pioneer. You’ll find a wide selection of presents ready to be wrapped and put under your tree. Come by either day, browse, buy, cross things off your list, and visit with friends! The church will be host a bake sale, yummmmm! Craft booths will have: greeting cards, calendars, Memory Jars, Gratitude Jars, tea cup sets, hand sewn purses/quilts/place-mats, license plate art, teddy bear baskets, scarves with jewelry attached, jewelry. It's going to be lots of fun--hope to see you there!
HEIN & COMPANY PRESENT: "HOUDINI, THE LAST SEANCE" – Nov 1-3. Can the dead return? Hein & Company cordially invites you to a weekend of “spirited entertainment” with special guest celebrity Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Call for ticket info and a schedule of events. 223-9076. Hein & Co. Book Store, 204 Main Street, Jackson,
FIBRE ARTISTS FEATURED AT LITTLE CITY STUDIO & GALLERY - Please join us on Sat, Nov 2, from 3-6PM, for our special Art Trek reception! For the month of November, Little City joins Hanford Street Gallery and Sutter Creek Gallery in putting the emphasis on the fibre arts.Owner Carol Sethre explores color and texture in both her unique "Crazy Rag" scarves and her hand-woven rugs and wearables. Claudia Bronken has a new collection of light and airy hand-knitted scarves and shawls. Kathy Abraham celebrates the season with an adorable array of felted pumpkins and owls! They are joined by gallery regulars Sandy Wagner and Maureen Teel, both accomplished quilting artists. And quest artist Shari Schreiber brings her lovely hand-felted art journals for all to enjoy. Support your local artists!
BIG REDS RELEASE PARTY & REDNECK BBQ BASH - Saturday, November 2nd, 2013, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Git yerselves on over to Andis Wines in Amador County for our 2nd red wine releases, rockin' live music by KnuckleHead, and a feast of finger-lickin' good food ensures a hootin’ and hollerin’ great time y’all won’t wanna miss.
CONTINUED: GHOST TRAILS CEMETARY HUNT - Due to popular demand, packets are still available! Presented by the Amador County Recreation Agency and the Amador County Cemetery Board. Take a trip back in time on the Ghost trails of Amador’s historic cemeteries. This is a scavenger hunt looking for the headstones that correspond to short stories of the pioneers, their journey west and settling in Amador. Packets are available for purchase at the ACRA office. You may also pay with a credit card over the phone and have packets emailed or sent to you by mail. Call ACRA at 223-6349. Email
November/Fall-Winter Newsletters
WINEFEST 2013 is just around the corner and tickets are now available! On Saturday November 9th, AmadorArts will be hosting the 16th Annual Winefest in Downtown Sutter Creek. As always, guests can stroll historic Main Streetwhile tasting a huge selection of Amador County Wines in unique Sutter Creek shops. Guests can check in to pick up their wine glass, wristband and tasting map at the Sutter Creek Auditorium starting at 4pm. From 4:30- 7pm attendees will explore historic Main Street tasting selections from more than 20 Amador County Wineries poured in participating shops. At 7pm, the Sutter Creek Auditorium will be the place to return to for dessert tasting, music and the conclusion of the silent auction.
AAUW PRESENTS: “Addressing the Tragedy of Human Trafficking” – Thurs Nov 14 at 7PM in the Jackson Community Center, 33 Broadway, Jackson. American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present a program on the timely and very important issue of human trafficking. The speaker is Erika Gonzalez, Immigration Legal Services Program Manager, for Opening Doors in Sacramento. We may be accustomed to thinking of human trafficking as happening far away in a Third World area. This is not true; human trafficking is taking place in our country, in our state, in our region. Sacramento is the human trafficking activity hub for this region. Opening Doors has been a founding member of Sacramento’s Rescue and Restore coalition, and established its Survivors of Human Trafficking program. The program is FREE and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Come and learn more about the horrific problem of human trafficking and the dire needs of those who have survived it.
GOING GATSBY GALA - The Amador Community College Foundation presents the Going Gatsby Gala on November 16th at 5:30 PM at Gold Country Auto Restoration. Step back in time to the Roaring 20's! Dance to Sister Swing! Gatsby era attire is encouraged. The event features a keynote address by Delaine Eastin, Educational and Public Policy Executive, an elegant seated dinner, and silent and live auctions. RSVP by November 1st. Tickets are available online at The event benefits the Amador Centers for Higher Learning.
GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN – Tues Nov 19 from 6-8PM. Margaret Dalton Children’s Center / First 5 Building, Jackson. Special Guest Speaker - Bonnie Danielson, MFT. Bonnie is a Marriage Family Therapist, and has been working with children and families for over 35 years. Bonnie has also been the Coordinator of the Grandparent Project in Calaveras County, for seven years. This FREE workshop will focus on a variety of topics, including how grandparents can improve their own personal wellness, how to learn to let go of their adult children, how to deal with resentment, failure, grief, and low energy. FREE CHILD CARE available – please specify if this is needed, when you RSVP. Child care is limited to 8 children. Don’t miss this opportunity! Please RSVP to The Resource Connection, at 223-1624.
“KIDS ONLY” ANNUAL MUSIC FUNDRAISER – Sat Nov 23 from 1-2:30 PM at the Dalton Children’s Center 975 Broadway in Jackson. Adam Gottstein of “Over the Edge” and Geff Crawford of “Old Soles” will bring songs, stories, magic, and fun to elementary age kids from all over. Adam and Geff have oodles of experience and love performing. Admission is just a $5.00 donation, and no one will be turned away. Kids must be accompanied by a parent who stays for the whole show. (Sorry, we can't do the day care thing.) There will be raffle tickets sold as well…anyone can win! Hope to see you there!
MOTHER LODE FRIENDS OF MUSIC PRESENTS: GILBERT & SULLIVAN’S "TRIAL BY JURY"- Sunday, November 24, 3 pm at the Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main Street, Sutter Creek. Trial by Jury, comic operetta by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Fully costumed and staged production performed by the Opera Workshop Program, California State University-Stanislaus. Directed by Joseph Wiggett, Artistic Director of the Townsend Opera Players. $20 adults, $10 children under 18. Tickets may be purchased at Mother Lode Music, Prospect Plaza, Martell, Calaveras Arts Council, Main Street, San Andreas, and at the door. Consult or call 209-293-4227 for more information.
SPEAKEAZY JAZZ ORCHESTRA performs on Sunday, Nov 24 at 2pm at the Amador Senior Center, New York Ranch Rd, Jackson. Re-appearing on November 24th at 2pm the Amador Senior Center in Jackson will be the Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra, a 10-piece dance band playing authentic arrangements from the 1920’s and 1930’s (The “Great Gatsby Era”), using original dance band instrumentation. The band will feature vocalists Chrissy Sleigh, Arlene White, and Eric Johnson. New tunes added to the repertoire are “Goodnight Sweetheart”, “To Each His Own”, “Hoop Dee Do”, and “You’re Driving Me Crazy”.
AMADOR SUPERIOR COURT RESCHEDULES LAWDA Environmental lawsuit hearing to 10/22/13. Status Update - 9/6/13 - Amador Superior Court reschedules the lawsuit hearing again to Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 9:00 am until 4:30pm.The hearing will be held at AMADOR SUPERIOR COURT 500 Argonaut Lane Jackson, CA 95642. The hearing will be open to the public. The issues of clean air, water and land will be discussed in depth. More info at
Announcements & Ongoing Events
SAVE MACE MEADOWS! An urgent message to Upcountry Residents re: Mace Meadows Golf Course-
We Heart the Arts! Arts Council update -
Amador County Recreation Agency (ACRA) November 2013 Newsletter
Amador County Artists Association - November 2013 Newsletter
November at New York Fitness -
Dine with the Deavers, Thanksgiving Style - Sat Nov 2 -
Co-op opportunities with Sacramento Magazine and Reno Magazine - Deadline is November 6 -
AWA urges homeowners to prepare homes for Winter -
Sutter Diagnostic Imaging, Amador Hosts Free Mammography
Day, Helps 29 Uninsured Women-
CAL FIRE: Burn Restrictions Lifted in AEU - Safety Tips for Burning -
AWA Budget & Finance Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
AWA Policies Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
AWA Engineering Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
Hanford Street Gallery presents fabric artists through the month of November -
HEALING WORD CRAFT SHOW – Fri & Sat, Nov 1 & 2 starting at 10AM at Healing Word Church in the Buckhorn Plaza, Pioneer. You’ll find a wide selection of presents ready to be wrapped and put under your tree. Come by either day, browse, buy, cross things off your list, and visit with friends! The church will be host a bake sale, yummmmm! Craft booths will have: greeting cards, calendars, Memory Jars, Gratitude Jars, tea cup sets, hand sewn purses/quilts/place-mats, license plate art, teddy bear baskets, scarves with jewelry attached, jewelry. It's going to be lots of fun--hope to see you there!
DO YOU FEEL BETTER when you exercise or stretch? Though do you still put it off or find other things you would rather do? Don't feel like you can add it to your busy schedule?
CONTINUED: GHOST TRAILS CEMETARY HUNT - Due to popular demand, packets are still available! Presented by the Amador County Recreation Agency and the Amador County Cemetery Board. Take a trip back in time on the Ghost trails of Amador’s historic cemeteries. This is a scavenger hunt looking for the headstones that correspond to short stories of the pioneers, their journey west and settling in Amador. Packets are available for purchase at the ACRA office. You may also pay with a credit card over the phone and have packets emailed or sent to you by mail. Call ACRA at 223-6349. Email
PM at the Dalton Children’s Center 975 Broadway in Jackson. Adam Gottstein of “Over the Edge” and Geff Crawford of “Old Soles” will bring
songs, stories, magic, and fun to elementary age kids from all over. Adam
and Geff have oodles of experience and love performing. Admission is just
a $5.00 donation, and no one will be turned away. Kids must be
accompanied by a parent who stays for the whole show. (Sorry, we can't do the
day care thing.) There will be raffle tickets sold as well…anyone can
win! Hope to see you there!
CAL FIRE: Burn Restrictions Lifted in AEU - Safety Tips for Burning -
AWA Budget & Finance Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
AWA Policies Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
AWA Engineering Committee - Wed Nov 6 -
Hanford Street Gallery presents fabric artists through the month of November -
HEALING WORD CRAFT SHOW – Fri & Sat, Nov 1 & 2 starting at 10AM at Healing Word Church in the Buckhorn Plaza, Pioneer. You’ll find a wide selection of presents ready to be wrapped and put under your tree. Come by either day, browse, buy, cross things off your list, and visit with friends! The church will be host a bake sale, yummmmm! Craft booths will have: greeting cards, calendars, Memory Jars, Gratitude Jars, tea cup sets, hand sewn purses/quilts/place-mats, license plate art, teddy bear baskets, scarves with jewelry attached, jewelry. It's going to be lots of fun--hope to see you there!
DO YOU FEEL BETTER when you exercise or stretch? Though do you still put it off or find other things you would rather do? Don't feel like you can add it to your busy schedule?
Team Fitness is offering a special
RELUCTANT EXERCISER monthly program for only
$29 per month - no contracts or initiation fees! It includes a FREE
Introductory lesson to try out our 25 minute simple yet effective aerobic and
strength building session. Including your check-in, breaks and stretching at
the end, plan on spending a total of 30 minutes at our cozy and friendly
fitness studio by the Post Office in Pine Grove.
Your monthly fee includes as
many workout visits as you want to make every week. As you become more fit,
your special workout will change a bit so that you don't get stuck on a fitness
Your FREE INTRO will help you
decide if this program is for you. Through the end of the year our hours are
Mon - Fri 8am - 1pm and Mon and Wed 4 -7pm plus a short time on Sat mornings 9
to 10am. Hours will expand after the holidays!
Call now and talk with Cherie to
learn more about this very doable and affordable program! 209-296-2348.
And if you pay ahead for 3
months - you receive a FREE private fitness training session.
---CONTINUED: GHOST TRAILS CEMETARY HUNT - Due to popular demand, packets are still available! Presented by the Amador County Recreation Agency and the Amador County Cemetery Board. Take a trip back in time on the Ghost trails of Amador’s historic cemeteries. This is a scavenger hunt looking for the headstones that correspond to short stories of the pioneers, their journey west and settling in Amador. Packets are available for purchase at the ACRA office. You may also pay with a credit card over the phone and have packets emailed or sent to you by mail. Call ACRA at 223-6349. Email
TSPN BROADCASTS can be viewed at:
________________________________________________This weekend...
- FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY Fall Book Sale - Nov 1-3 -
- SUTTER CREEK THEATER PRESENTS: Paige Anderson & The Fearless Kin – Sat Nov 2 -
- JACKSON RANCHERIA PRESENTS: Charlie Musselwhite & Coco Montoya – Sat Nov 2 -
- Gallery 10's Featured Artist for November Presents Annie Hughes: "The Hidden Years" - Sat Nov 2 -
- Hanford Street Gallery presents fabric artists through the month of November -
- ART TREK Sat Nov 2nd, and "We Heart the Arts!" Arts Council update -
HEALING WORD CRAFT SHOW – Fri & Sat, Nov 1 & 2 starting at 10AM at Healing Word Church in the Buckhorn Plaza, Pioneer. You’ll find a wide selection of presents ready to be wrapped and put under your tree. Come by either day, browse, buy, cross things off your list, and visit with friends! The church will be host a bake sale, yummmmm! Craft booths will have: greeting cards, calendars, Memory Jars, Gratitude Jars, tea cup sets, hand sewn purses/quilts/place-mats, license plate art, teddy bear baskets, scarves with jewelry attached, jewelry. It's going to be lots of fun--hope to see you there!
and 2. Admission is $2 for adults and $1 for children. Everyone who
dares is welcome! Don't worry, lights on for the little children if
needed! 13026 Tabeaud
Rd., Pine Grove.
Sat Nov 2. Purchase tickets online at:
HEIN & COMPANY PRESENT: "HOUDINI, THE LAST SEANCE" – Nov 1-3. Can the dead return? Hein & Company cordially invites you to a weekend of “spirited entertainment” with special guest celebrity Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, Call for ticket info and a schedule of events. 223-9076. Hein & Co. Book Store, 204 Main Street, Jackson,
FIBRE ARTISTS FEATURED AT LITTLE CITY STUDIO & GALLERY - Please join us on Sat, Nov 2, from 3-6PM, for our special Art Trek reception! For the month of November, Little City joins Hanford Street Gallery and Sutter Creek Gallery in putting the emphasis on the fibre arts.Owner Carol Sethre explores color and texture in both her unique "Crazy Rag" scarves and her hand-woven rugs and wearables. Claudia Bronken has a new collection of light and airy hand-knitted scarves and shawls. Kathy Abraham celebrates the season with an adorable array of felted pumpkins and owls! They are joined by gallery regulars Sandy Wagner and Maureen Teel, both accomplished quilting artists. And quest artist Shari Schreiber brings her lovely hand-felted art journals for all to enjoy. Support your local artists!
BIG REDS RELEASE PARTY & REDNECK BBQ BASH - Saturday, November 2nd, 2013, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Git yerselves on over to Andis Wines in Amador County for our 2nd red wine releases, rockin' live music by KnuckleHead, and a feast of finger-lickin' good food ensures a hootin’ and hollerin’ great time y’all won’t wanna miss.
Taste 2 new 2011 Zinfandels, the long-awaited 2011 Mourvedre
and more. Make sure to wash your hands before dinner because no utensils will
be allowed! Feast on sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, baby back ribs, rat
toes (never heard of rat toes? Look ‘em up, they’re dee-licious!) and more.
Club Andis members can pick up their club shipments and everyone will get the
opportunity for special wine discounts.
Tickets: $45/person, $35/Club Andis members. (must log in to
our website to receive discount) Includes
dinner, music, wine tasting and commemorative wine glass. Bring back your glass
from last year’s event and get $5 off your ticket price at check-in. RSVP required by Wednesday, October 30th (209) 245-6177. More Info: Purchase Tickets: CONTINUED: GHOST TRAILS CEMETARY HUNT - Due to popular demand, packets are still available! Presented by the Amador County Recreation Agency and the Amador County Cemetery Board. Take a trip back in time on the Ghost trails of Amador’s historic cemeteries. This is a scavenger hunt looking for the headstones that correspond to short stories of the pioneers, their journey west and settling in Amador. Packets are available for purchase at the ACRA office. You may also pay with a credit card over the phone and have packets emailed or sent to you by mail. Call ACRA at 223-6349. Email
November/Fall-Winter Newsletters
Community Calendar
MOONDOG’S MOON BASH DEMOLITION DERBY– Sat Nov 2 at the Amador County Fairgrounds in Plymouth. Gates open at 3PM. 1st Heat at 4pm. 3 Heats and a Final! Tickets: $20 each, 12 & under FREE. Tickets available at:
Community Calendar
Can the dead return? Hein & Company cordially invites you to a weekend of “spirited
entertainment” with special guest celebrity Chelsea Quinn Yarbro,
Call for ticket info and a schedule of events. 223-9076. Hein & Co. Book
Store, 204 Main Street,
FIBRE ARTISTS FEATURED AT LITTLE CITY STUDIO & GALLERY - Please join us on Sat, Nov 2, from 3-6PM, for our special Art Trek reception! For the month of November, Little City joins Hanford Street Gallery and Sutter Creek Gallery in putting the emphasis on the fibre arts.Owner Carol Sethre explores color and texture in both her unique "Crazy Rag" scarves and her hand-woven rugs and wearables. Claudia Bronken has a new collection of light and airy hand-knitted scarves and shawls. Kathy Abraham celebrates the season with an adorable array of felted pumpkins and owls! They are joined by gallery regulars Sandy Wagner and Maureen Teel, both accomplished quilting artists. And quest artist Shari Schreiber brings her lovely hand-felted art journals for all to enjoy. Support your local artists!
BIG REDS RELEASE PARTY & REDNECK BBQ BASH - Saturday, November 2nd, 2013, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Git yerselves on over to Andis Wines in Amador County for our 2nd red wine releases, rockin' live music by KnuckleHead, and a feast of finger-lickin' good food ensures a hootin’ and hollerin’ great time y’all won’t wanna miss.
FIBRE ARTISTS FEATURED AT LITTLE CITY STUDIO & GALLERY - Please join us on Sat, Nov 2, from 3-6PM, for our special Art Trek reception! For the month of November, Little City joins Hanford Street Gallery and Sutter Creek Gallery in putting the emphasis on the fibre arts.Owner Carol Sethre explores color and texture in both her unique "Crazy Rag" scarves and her hand-woven rugs and wearables. Claudia Bronken has a new collection of light and airy hand-knitted scarves and shawls. Kathy Abraham celebrates the season with an adorable array of felted pumpkins and owls! They are joined by gallery regulars Sandy Wagner and Maureen Teel, both accomplished quilting artists. And quest artist Shari Schreiber brings her lovely hand-felted art journals for all to enjoy. Support your local artists!
BIG REDS RELEASE PARTY & REDNECK BBQ BASH - Saturday, November 2nd, 2013, 5:30pm – 8:30pm Git yerselves on over to Andis Wines in Amador County for our 2nd red wine releases, rockin' live music by KnuckleHead, and a feast of finger-lickin' good food ensures a hootin’ and hollerin’ great time y’all won’t wanna miss.
Taste 2 new 2011 Zinfandels, the long-awaited 2011 Mourvedre
and more. Make sure to wash your hands before dinner because no utensils will
be allowed! Feast on sweet potato fries, corn on the cob, baby back ribs, rat
toes (never heard of rat toes? Look ‘em up, they’re dee-licious!) and more.
Club Andis members can pick up their club shipments and everyone will get the
opportunity for special wine discounts.
Tickets: $45/person, $35/Club Andis members. (must log in to
our website to receive discount) Includes
dinner, music, wine tasting and commemorative wine glass. Bring back your glass
from last year’s event and get $5 off your ticket price at check-in. RSVP required by Wednesday, October 30th (209) 245-6177. More Info: Purchase Tickets: MOONDOG’S MOON BASH DEMOLITION DERBY– Sat Nov 2 at the Amador County Fairgrounds in Plymouth. Gates open at 3PM. 1st Heat at 4pm. 3 Heats and a Final! Tickets: $20 each, 12 & under FREE. Tickets available at:
Amador County
Fair Office, Fairgrounds, Plymouth,
CA – (209) 245-6921
Amador County
Chamber of Commerce, 115 Main Street, Jackson,
CA – (209) 223-0350
Online at:
PARENT SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with special needs meets on Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the Margaret Dalton First Five Center. If you have questions, please contact
1-2-3 MAGIC PARENTING - Build strong, positive relationships with your children & overcome the stress that takes the fun out of parenting! Learn easy solutions that WORK ~ from toddlers through adolescents. The second part of this 2-part series will be held on Nov. 6th, from 5:30pm to 8pm, at the Margaret Dalton Children's Center. 975 Broadway, Jackson. Light dinner will be provided. Child care available. Please call 257-1092.
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT - Sunday, November 10, 2013, 2 pm. Chamber music concert of the Mother Lode Friends of Music. Beethoven’s String Quartet opus 74 “The Harp” with guest artists from the San Francisco Bay Area. They are joined by concert violinist Corina Stoian and pianist Ron Brickman in the Concerto for Solo Violin, Piano and String Quartet of Ernest Chausson. FREE admission. Church of the Nazarene, 14050 Ridge Road, Sutter Creek. Call 209-293-4227 or go to for more information.
PARENT SUPPORT GROUP for parents of children with special needs meets on Wednesday, November 6th at 6:00 p.m. at the Margaret Dalton First Five Center. If you have questions, please contact
1-2-3 MAGIC PARENTING - Build strong, positive relationships with your children & overcome the stress that takes the fun out of parenting! Learn easy solutions that WORK ~ from toddlers through adolescents. The second part of this 2-part series will be held on Nov. 6th, from 5:30pm to 8pm, at the Margaret Dalton Children's Center. 975 Broadway, Jackson. Light dinner will be provided. Child care available. Please call 257-1092.
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERT - Sunday, November 10, 2013, 2 pm. Chamber music concert of the Mother Lode Friends of Music. Beethoven’s String Quartet opus 74 “The Harp” with guest artists from the San Francisco Bay Area. They are joined by concert violinist Corina Stoian and pianist Ron Brickman in the Concerto for Solo Violin, Piano and String Quartet of Ernest Chausson. FREE admission. Church of the Nazarene, 14050 Ridge Road, Sutter Creek. Call 209-293-4227 or go to for more information.
WINEFEST 2013 is just around the corner and tickets are now available! On Saturday November 9th, AmadorArts will be hosting the 16th Annual Winefest in Downtown Sutter Creek. As always, guests can stroll historic Main Streetwhile tasting a huge selection of Amador County Wines in unique Sutter Creek shops. Guests can check in to pick up their wine glass, wristband and tasting map at the Sutter Creek Auditorium starting at 4pm. From 4:30- 7pm attendees will explore historic Main Street tasting selections from more than 20 Amador County Wineries poured in participating shops. At 7pm, the Sutter Creek Auditorium will be the place to return to for dessert tasting, music and the conclusion of the silent auction.
are $25 in advance or $30 at the door. All proceeds from this event
help AmadorArts continue to support, promote and encourage the Arts in
our Schools and Community.
Tickets are on sale now through PayPal through
and at these local businesses: Amador Council of Tourism Office, Sutter
Creek Wine Tasting, Clarks Corner in Ione, Dr.Curry's Dental Office in
Plymouth, and Up Country Hardware in Pine Grove. Call AmadorArts at 209-267-9038 for any questions.AAUW PRESENTS: “Addressing the Tragedy of Human Trafficking” – Thurs Nov 14 at 7PM in the Jackson Community Center, 33 Broadway, Jackson. American Association of University Women (AAUW) will present a program on the timely and very important issue of human trafficking. The speaker is Erika Gonzalez, Immigration Legal Services Program Manager, for Opening Doors in Sacramento. We may be accustomed to thinking of human trafficking as happening far away in a Third World area. This is not true; human trafficking is taking place in our country, in our state, in our region. Sacramento is the human trafficking activity hub for this region. Opening Doors has been a founding member of Sacramento’s Rescue and Restore coalition, and established its Survivors of Human Trafficking program. The program is FREE and open to the public. Refreshments will be served. Come and learn more about the horrific problem of human trafficking and the dire needs of those who have survived it.
GOING GATSBY GALA - The Amador Community College Foundation presents the Going Gatsby Gala on November 16th at 5:30 PM at Gold Country Auto Restoration. Step back in time to the Roaring 20's! Dance to Sister Swing! Gatsby era attire is encouraged. The event features a keynote address by Delaine Eastin, Educational and Public Policy Executive, an elegant seated dinner, and silent and live auctions. RSVP by November 1st. Tickets are available online at The event benefits the Amador Centers for Higher Learning.
GRANDPARENTS RAISING GRANDCHILDREN – Tues Nov 19 from 6-8PM. Margaret Dalton Children’s Center / First 5 Building, Jackson. Special Guest Speaker - Bonnie Danielson, MFT. Bonnie is a Marriage Family Therapist, and has been working with children and families for over 35 years. Bonnie has also been the Coordinator of the Grandparent Project in Calaveras County, for seven years. This FREE workshop will focus on a variety of topics, including how grandparents can improve their own personal wellness, how to learn to let go of their adult children, how to deal with resentment, failure, grief, and low energy. FREE CHILD CARE available – please specify if this is needed, when you RSVP. Child care is limited to 8 children. Don’t miss this opportunity! Please RSVP to The Resource Connection, at 223-1624.
“KIDS ONLY” ANNUAL MUSIC FUNDRAISER – Sat Nov 23 from 1-2:30 PM at the Dalton Children’s Center 975 Broadway in Jackson. Adam Gottstein of “Over the Edge” and Geff Crawford of “Old Soles” will bring songs, stories, magic, and fun to elementary age kids from all over. Adam and Geff have oodles of experience and love performing. Admission is just a $5.00 donation, and no one will be turned away. Kids must be accompanied by a parent who stays for the whole show. (Sorry, we can't do the day care thing.) There will be raffle tickets sold as well…anyone can win! Hope to see you there!
MOTHER LODE FRIENDS OF MUSIC PRESENTS: GILBERT & SULLIVAN’S "TRIAL BY JURY"- Sunday, November 24, 3 pm at the Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main Street, Sutter Creek. Trial by Jury, comic operetta by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Fully costumed and staged production performed by the Opera Workshop Program, California State University-Stanislaus. Directed by Joseph Wiggett, Artistic Director of the Townsend Opera Players. $20 adults, $10 children under 18. Tickets may be purchased at Mother Lode Music, Prospect Plaza, Martell, Calaveras Arts Council, Main Street, San Andreas, and at the door. Consult or call 209-293-4227 for more information.
SPEAKEAZY JAZZ ORCHESTRA performs on Sunday, Nov 24 at 2pm at the Amador Senior Center, New York Ranch Rd, Jackson. Re-appearing on November 24th at 2pm the Amador Senior Center in Jackson will be the Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra, a 10-piece dance band playing authentic arrangements from the 1920’s and 1930’s (The “Great Gatsby Era”), using original dance band instrumentation. The band will feature vocalists Chrissy Sleigh, Arlene White, and Eric Johnson. New tunes added to the repertoire are “Goodnight Sweetheart”, “To Each His Own”, “Hoop Dee Do”, and “You’re Driving Me Crazy”.
The Orchestra (SJO)
also appeared this year on September 28 at Ironstone Vineyard’s Concours d’
Elegance; it has been featured at the Dante Club in Sacramento (an annual special invitation),
and made special appearance at the Berkeley City Club. There is a $5 admission
charge at the door. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Amador Senior
Center. There will be
cookies and coffee for your enjoyment. The Senior Center
has great parking and access! See you Sunday November 24th for a fun afternoon
and set your calendars back to the 1920’s! Classic cars and authentic attire are
always welcome!
Visit Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra’s updated website at or call 295-4305 for more information.
Visit Speakeazy Jazz Orchestra’s updated website at or call 295-4305 for more information.
AMADOR SUPERIOR COURT RESCHEDULES LAWDA Environmental lawsuit hearing to 10/22/13. Status Update - 9/6/13 - Amador Superior Court reschedules the lawsuit hearing again to Tuesday, December 10, 2013, 9:00 am until 4:30pm.The hearing will be held at AMADOR SUPERIOR COURT 500 Argonaut Lane Jackson, CA 95642. The hearing will be open to the public. The issues of clean air, water and land will be discussed in depth. More info at
Announcements & Ongoing Events
DO YOU FEEL BETTER when you exercise
or stretch? Though do you still put it off or find other things you would
rather do? Don't feel like you can add it to your busy schedule?
Team Fitness is offering a special
RELUCTANT EXERCISER monthly program for only
$29 per month - no contracts or initiation fees! It includes a FREE
Introductory lesson to try out our 25 minute simple yet effective aerobic and
strength building session. Including your check-in, breaks and stretching at
the end, plan on spending a total of 30 minutes at our cozy and friendly
fitness studio by the Post Office in Pine Grove.
Your monthly fee includes as
many workout visits as you want to make every week. As you become more fit,
your special workout will change a bit so that you don't get stuck on a fitness
Your FREE INTRO will help you
decide if this program is for you. Through the end of the year our hours are
Mon - Fri 8am - 1pm and Mon and Wed 4 -7pm plus a short time on Sat mornings 9
to 10am. Hours will expand after the holidays!
Call now and talk with Cherie to
learn more about this very doable and affordable program! 209-296-2348.
And if you pay ahead for 3
months - you receive a FREE private fitness training session.
--- AFGHANS FOR ANGELS, Western Chapter - In Memory of Stephanie Dawn Meadows
ACCF: BUSINESS TO EDUCATION SURVEY - We are asking all business and community leaders to complete this brief survey to help us develop and facilitate business partnerships to meet the goal of educating Amador County students for success. You can complete the survey online at . Click on link and enter your responses directly online.
Thanks so much for participating.
KEEP COMING BACK to your goals of nutritious eating - giving yourself a "cheat" day/meal every week to help you stay on track…and get back on the horse of fitness and being active! If you are struggling to lose weight and uncover the body you want, we at Team Fitness understand the hills and valleys. We can help. Stop in or call 296-2348.
LICENSED CHILD CARE PROVIDERS NEEDED! Do you love children? Are you willing to provide a safe, loving, high quality learning environment in your home? Our staff can assist you with a Business Plan, Pre-licensing Requirements, Licensing Application, Health & Safety Classes, Learning Environments, Curriculum, and much more! For more information, please call The Resource Connection at 223-1624.
AMADOR TRANSIT: MONDAYS IN PLYMOUTH! Every Monday, Amador Transit will make three bus trips leaving our Sutter Hill Transit Center at 7:40am, 11:00am and 3:10pm. The bus will travel through Sutter Creek, Amador City, Drytown, and from Plymouth, to the River Pines Market, then back the same way to the Sutter Hill Transit Center.
STORY TIMES AT THE AMADOR COUNTY LIBRARY. Amador County Library pre-school story time has resumed. Story time runs from September – May and is open to children 0-5 and their caregivers. All story times are 30 minutes and consist of one – three stories, songs and a simple craft. Pre-school story time is also available at the Ione Branch. Monday’s beginning at 10:00 a.m. For more information contact the library 209-223-6400 or email:
BOY SCOUTS ARE COLLECTING NEWSPAPER DONATIONS - Do you have stacks of newspapers, laying around your house, waiting to be recycled? Then please bring them on down to the Busi Parking lot in Jackson. The Boy Scout Troops of Amador County are collecting your newspaper donations and accept on an on-going basis. The large cargo container sits at the very back of the parking lot. We ask that you only donate actual newspapers, no glossy advertising, magazines or books. All proceeds directly benefit the various Troops in Amador County. It's a Win-Win for everyone: our Scouts, you and the environment!
for Angels is an organization, headquartered in Sutter Creek, made up
of volunteers who make baby afghans that are then distributed to
hospitals. The afghans are stored by the hospitals and given to parents
who have suffered the loss of their infant through miscarriage,
stillbirth or infant death.
are now providing afghans to 20 hospitals, including Children's Hospital
Los Angeles, Rainbow Babies and Children's Hospital in Ohio, White
Memorial in Los Angeles, Sonora Regional Medical Center, and Marshall
Hospital in Placerville. We also donate afghans to photographers who
generously give of their time and talent to the Now I Lay me Down To Sleep organization.
If you know of someone in need of one of our afghans, or you would like
to knit, crochet, or quilt small afghans for us, please contact us at
one of the options given below. We do have yarn available to those who
find it difficult to obtain yarn. More information on the organization
can be found at
P.O. Box 1085
Sutter Creek, CA 95685
ACCF: BUSINESS TO EDUCATION SURVEY - We are asking all business and community leaders to complete this brief survey to help us develop and facilitate business partnerships to meet the goal of educating Amador County students for success. You can complete the survey online at . Click on link and enter your responses directly online.
Thanks so much for participating.
BBWF feeds dozens of needy people every Saturday at Jackson United
Methodist Church, but we are running out of $$ for this very valuable
ministry. Please donate what you can to help our neighbors in need!
Make checks out to “Break Bread With Friends” and contact Steve Christensen at for info on where and how to send your donation. Thank you!
KEEP COMING BACK to your goals of nutritious eating - giving yourself a "cheat" day/meal every week to help you stay on track…and get back on the horse of fitness and being active! If you are struggling to lose weight and uncover the body you want, we at Team Fitness understand the hills and valleys. We can help. Stop in or call 296-2348. http://www.
LICENSED CHILD CARE PROVIDERS NEEDED! Do you love children? Are you willing to provide a safe, loving, high quality learning environment in your home? Our staff can assist you with a Business Plan, Pre-licensing Requirements, Licensing Application, Health & Safety Classes, Learning Environments, Curriculum, and much more! For more information, please call The Resource Connection at 223-1624.
AMADOR TRANSIT: MONDAYS IN PLYMOUTH! Every Monday, Amador Transit will make three bus trips leaving our Sutter Hill Transit Center at 7:40am, 11:00am and 3:10pm. The bus will travel through Sutter Creek, Amador City, Drytown, and from Plymouth, to the River Pines Market, then back the same way to the Sutter Hill Transit Center.
Folks from River Pines and Amador
City can now get to Plymouth or, to our Transit Center where they can
catch a Shuttle to get just about anywhere in Jackson and Sutter Creek
every Monday!
STORY TIMES AT THE AMADOR COUNTY LIBRARY. Amador County Library pre-school story time has resumed. Story time runs from September – May and is open to children 0-5 and their caregivers. All story times are 30 minutes and consist of one – three stories, songs and a simple craft. Pre-school story time is also available at the Ione Branch. Monday’s beginning at 10:00 a.m. For more information contact the library 209-223-6400 or email:
BOY SCOUTS ARE COLLECTING NEWSPAPER DONATIONS - Do you have stacks of newspapers, laying around your house, waiting to be recycled? Then please bring them on down to the Busi Parking lot in Jackson. The Boy Scout Troops of Amador County are collecting your newspaper donations and accept on an on-going basis. The large cargo container sits at the very back of the parking lot. We ask that you only donate actual newspapers, no glossy advertising, magazines or books. All proceeds directly benefit the various Troops in Amador County. It's a Win-Win for everyone: our Scouts, you and the environment!
different beliefs, different politics, yet all can be respected and
shown compassion. We don’t have to agree, we just have to care for each
other with the same understanding we would want someone to show us.
Whoever you are, wherever you are in your spiritual journey, you are
welcomed here. Sunday services are at 8:30 and 10:30AM. Trinity Church
is located at 430 Highway 49, Sutter Hill, across from Walgreens. For
more information, call 267-0255, or visit - See more at:
are a new store at 18 Main Street in Jackson, CA Our name is Herndon's
Haven, we sell Antiques-Collectibles & Vintage. Donated good can be
dropped off or we can pick up. call ken at 209-256-9845.
Percentage of profits goes to support Common Grounds Senior Services
(Meals on Wheels) We accept
Unique items & more. "Our Thanks to Bob Barfoot" Amador Counties
singing Cowboy, What a gentleman this man is, Thank You Bob Herndon's
Haven also accepts consignment of Antiques-Collectibles & Vintage we
charge 33%
WANT A FREE BOWLING PARTY for your office, church, or non-profit group of 10 or more? Call Russell at 223-3334 to schedule a date. Available days and times include M-F, 5:30 pm and all day Sunday. Offer includes 2 free games of bowling and shoe rental per person. Additional games for only $2.75 each. Participants not already Bowling Reward cardholders may sign up and receive $5 bowling reward credit good for a future visit. Offer ends no later than September 2, 2013 and is subject to lane availability.
DONATE GLASSES and change someone’s life. Walgreen's now has a Sutter Creek Lion's Club eyeglass recycling box in the Pharmacy area by the table with the brochures. They accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, and plastic and metal frames. Children’s glasses are especially needed!
WANT A FREE BOWLING PARTY for your office, church, or non-profit group of 10 or more? Call Russell at 223-3334 to schedule a date. Available days and times include M-F, 5:30 pm and all day Sunday. Offer includes 2 free games of bowling and shoe rental per person. Additional games for only $2.75 each. Participants not already Bowling Reward cardholders may sign up and receive $5 bowling reward credit good for a future visit. Offer ends no later than September 2, 2013 and is subject to lane availability.
DONATE GLASSES and change someone’s life. Walgreen's now has a Sutter Creek Lion's Club eyeglass recycling box in the Pharmacy area by the table with the brochures. They accept prescription and reading glasses, sunglasses, and plastic and metal frames. Children’s glasses are especially needed!
The Interfaith Food Bank is trying to rebuild its volunteer roster, specifically on call volunteers.
you are a spur of the moment type person, willing to fill in at the
last minute, at the drop of a hat, in a minutes' notice, quick like a
bunny, in two shakes of a lamb's tail, quick as a wink and are Johnny on
the spot weekdays and weekends, please email or call Volunteer
Coordinator Di Stewart. 209-267-9006 for more information.
Have a news brief, announcement, press release? Letter to the Editor? A newsletter you'd like to have published? Email them to:
Chamber Mixer at the Jackson Casino & Hotel - Thurs Nov 7 -
Upcountry Community Council Meeting - Tues Nov 12 -
SUTTER CREEK CITY COUNCIL meets on the 1st & 3rd Mon at 7PM
IONE CITY COUNCIL meets on the 1st & 3rd Tues at 6P
JACKSON CITY COUNCIL meets on the 2nd & 4th Mon at 7PM
UPCOUNTRY COMMUNITY COUNCIL meets on the 2nd Mon at 6PM.
PLYMOUTH CITY COUNCIL meets on 2nd & 4th Thurs at 6:30PM
JACKSON PLANNING COMMISSION meets on the 3rd Mon at 6:30PM
Holding a meeting in your community that you'd like Amador County to know about? Send us a quick announcement/brief, telling us what it is, date, time, location and a brief description of what the meeting is about. Email your briefs/agendas to:
Classes, Workshops & Seminars
Amador County Recreation Agency Class Schedule
ZUMBA AT THE HUB - Every Tuesday evenings 5:30- 6:30. $7 general $5 students.
PHOTOGRAPHY WITH JEANNINE - Private lessons, 2,3,or 4hrs…($60, $90, $120). Call ACRA for details…223-6349
New Power Walk Schedule - Oct-Nov 2013 -
Free Revenue Building Workshop - Wed Nov 7 -
Master Gardeners to conduct new volunteer training - Orientation scheduled for Nov 7 -
NEW! INTRODUCTION TO HOME WINE-MAKINGMaster Gardeners to conduct new volunteer training - Orientation scheduled for Nov 7 -
Saturday, November 9th, 9:00am-Noon. This workshop is for those who have little or no previous
wine-making experience. This class includes a brief history on Amador
wine, fruit selection, sanitation, red wine production, fermentation and basic
equipment needed for home wine production. Aging and cellaring procedures
will also be covered.
Located at the Hub
Community Center, 206B Main St.
Class Fee: $30 per person. Space is
limited! Don’t miss out. Call ACRA at 223-6349 to register of for more
info. We now accept Visa, MasterCard, and Discover for your
MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: "Apples and Pears" - Sat Nov 16 from 9AM-12PM at the Amador County GSA Building (up Airport Rd.)
MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: "Everything Bare Root" - Sat Dec 7 from 9AM-12PM at the Amador County GSA Building (up Airport Rd.)
MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: "Apples and Pears" - Sat Nov 16 from 9AM-12PM at the Amador County GSA Building (up Airport Rd.)
MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: "Everything Bare Root" - Sat Dec 7 from 9AM-12PM at the Amador County GSA Building (up Airport Rd.)
ZUMBA AT THE HUB - Every Tuesday evenings 5:30- 6:30. $7 general $5 students.
PHOTOGRAPHY WITH JEANNINE - Private lessons, 2,3,or 4hrs…($60, $90, $120). Call ACRA for details…223-6349
NEW! Adult Dodgeball League – Games start January 18, 2014
Games start January 18th, every Saturday afternoon at Argonaut High School.
Game Time TBA. Mandatory Players meeting,
Wednesday January 8th.
Register before January 15th.
$250 per team.
To register or for more information, call ACRA at (209)
VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM - Argonaut High School, Every Sunday 3-6pm. Cost $2 per person Call ACRA (209) 223-6349. Or email
PHOTOGRAPHY WITH JEANNINE - Private lessons, 2,3,or 4hrs…($60, $90, $120). Call ACRA for details…223-6349
VOLLEYBALL OPEN GYM - Argonaut High School, Every Sunday 3-6pm. Cost $2 per person Call ACRA (209) 223-6349. Or email
PHOTOGRAPHY WITH JEANNINE - Private lessons, 2,3,or 4hrs…($60, $90, $120). Call ACRA for details…223-6349
-- -
After-School Class Schedule
All Classes are Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 3:30 to 5pm at the HUB
*Hip Hop & Break Dancing with Katie Allen: November 5 &12
*Ceramic Sculpture with Pam Sharp: October 24,30, November 7 & 14
*Chalk Pastel with Bruce Peccianti: November 19 & 20
*Hoop Dance with Sonya Castoe: December 3 &5
*Jewelry-Making with Edie Beadie: December 4
*Holiday Card-Making with Leslie Vasquez: December 10, 11 & 12
*Poetry with Linda Toren: January 14,21,28, February 4 & 11
*Journal- Making Lorra Lee Rose & Bruce Peccianti: February 18, 19 & 20
*More classes to be scheduled: Traditional Jewelry, Music, Drama, & Drums
Students 5th,6th, 7th & 8th graders… Students of Amador County.
Must have signed the ACRA Rec’ing Crew Waiver to participate.
You may download a copy on the ACRA or Amador Arts websites.
For more information call ACRA at 223-6349,, or
The HUB is located at 206B Main St. Jackson.
ANNOUNCING 4 MILE TUESDAYS! Every Tuesday night from October 22nd through the end of 2013, we will be WALKING 4 REALLY BIG MILES! We have NEW music too!
Get ready for 4 REALLY BIG MILES (60 Minute classes) every Tuesday & Thursday beginning this January! Don't miss your 3.5 mile Thursday night classes through December.
We will continue WALKING ourselves healthy and strong with our 3.5 Mile workout, so that your 4 MILE workouts become a breeze! Also, help us show our support for "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and
Wear PINK to our workouts in October...Get Ready, Get Set and Let's GOOOO!
4 Miles seems like too much for you?
NEVER worry - Stay at your own pace and your own level, before you know it - 4 Really Big Miles will come more easily! Just walk, walk, walk - stay moving and you know you'll get a great and healthy workout.
It's always a great day to WALK!
Beth Sands,
Certified Walk Leader
After-School Class Schedule
All Classes are Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday from 3:30 to 5pm at the HUB
*Hip Hop & Break Dancing with Katie Allen: November 5 &12
*Ceramic Sculpture with Pam Sharp: October 24,30, November 7 & 14
*Chalk Pastel with Bruce Peccianti: November 19 & 20
*Hoop Dance with Sonya Castoe: December 3 &5
*Jewelry-Making with Edie Beadie: December 4
*Holiday Card-Making with Leslie Vasquez: December 10, 11 & 12
*Poetry with Linda Toren: January 14,21,28, February 4 & 11
*Journal- Making Lorra Lee Rose & Bruce Peccianti: February 18, 19 & 20
*More classes to be scheduled: Traditional Jewelry, Music, Drama, & Drums
Students 5th,6th, 7th & 8th graders… Students of Amador County.
Must have signed the ACRA Rec’ing Crew Waiver to participate.
You may download a copy on the ACRA or Amador Arts websites.
For more information call ACRA at 223-6349,, or
The HUB is located at 206B Main St. Jackson.
ANNOUNCING 4 MILE TUESDAYS! Every Tuesday night from October 22nd through the end of 2013, we will be WALKING 4 REALLY BIG MILES! We have NEW music too!
Get ready for 4 REALLY BIG MILES (60 Minute classes) every Tuesday & Thursday beginning this January! Don't miss your 3.5 mile Thursday night classes through December.
We will continue WALKING ourselves healthy and strong with our 3.5 Mile workout, so that your 4 MILE workouts become a breeze! Also, help us show our support for "Breast Cancer Awareness Month" and
Wear PINK to our workouts in October...Get Ready, Get Set and Let's GOOOO!
4 Miles seems like too much for you?
NEVER worry - Stay at your own pace and your own level, before you know it - 4 Really Big Miles will come more easily! Just walk, walk, walk - stay moving and you know you'll get a great and healthy workout.
It's always a great day to WALK!
Beth Sands,
Certified Walk Leader
a class, workshop or seminar? Send us a quick announcement/brief,
telling us about it, give the date, time, location and a brief
description of what the class is about. Email your briefs to:
Activities & Events
Amador Arts Council
Amador County Artists Association
Amador County Recreation Agency - Event Calendar
Jackson Casino Events 2013
Mother Lode Friends of Music Season Calendar 2013-2014
Events at Andis Wines
Events at Deaver Vineyars
Over The Edge appears at Alchemy Market & Cafe in Murphys - Tues Oct 29
Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Paige Anderson & the Fearless Kin – Sat Nov 2 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Charlie Musselwhite & Coco Montoya – Sat Nov 2 -
Feist Wines Celebrates Two Years In Amador City – Sat Nov 9 -
Mother Lode Friends of Music features works by Beethoven and Chausson - Sun Nov 10 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Karaoke Series – Nov 6 thru Dec 11 -
ACWN Holiday Shopping Fundraiser - Sat Nov 9 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Uncle Kraker – Sat
Nov 16 -
Hanford Street Gallery presents fabric artists through the
month of November -
Gallery 10's Featured Artist for November Presents Annie
Hughes: "The Hidden Years" - Sat Nov 2 -
Andis Wines' Big Reds Release Party & Redneck BBQ Bash -
Sat Nov 2 - Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Paige Anderson & the Fearless Kin – Sat Nov 2 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Charlie Musselwhite & Coco Montoya – Sat Nov 2 -
Feist Wines Celebrates Two Years In Amador City – Sat Nov 9 -
Mother Lode Friends of Music features works by Beethoven and Chausson - Sun Nov 10 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Karaoke Series – Nov 6 thru Dec 11 -
ACWN Holiday Shopping Fundraiser - Sat Nov 9 -
Sutter Creek Theater Presents: Paige Anderson & the Fearless Kin – Sat Nov 2 -
Chamber honors Rich Hoffman as Business Person of the Year - Fri Nov 22 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Aaron Lewis – Sat Dec 7 -
Jackson Rancheria Casino Presents: Paul Revere & the Raiders’ Rockin’ Christmas – Sun Dec 15 -
MOTHER LODE FRIENDS OF MUSIC PRESENTS: GILBERT & SULLIVAN’S - Sunday, November 24, 3 pm at the Sutter Creek Theatre, 44 Main Street, Sutter Creek. Trial by Jury, comic operetta by W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan. Fully costumed and staged production performed by the Opera Workshop Program, California State University-Stanislaus. Directed by Joseph Wiggett, Artistic Director of the Townsend Opera Players. $20 adults, $10 children under 18. Tickets may be purchased at Mother Lode Music, Prospect Plaza, Martell, Calaveras Arts Council, Main Street, San Andreas, and at the door. Consult or call 209-293-4227 for more information.
REC’ING CREW Jackson & Plymouth
After School program 100% FREE
Open to 6th 7th and 8th graders.
Lodgehill in Plymouth, and at
The HUB in Jackson
2pm to 5pm - Tuesdays, Wednesday and Thursday
Waivers must be completed and signed
by a parent.
Help with homework, Arts and Crafts, Laser Tag, Sports, Tie
Dye, Engineering Projects, Field trips, Challenge of the month…and much more! Hope to see you there!---
At the Italian Picnic Grounds
Start time: 6:30
Early Bird games start at 6:15
1st, 3rd and 5th Mondays
Buy-in: $10 for 10 games - 6 top
Sponsored Jackpots up to $100
Black out is $150
Dinner served at 5:00 p.m. for only $7 per plate
Support your local recreation agency. For more information, call Amador County Recreation Agency at (209)223-6349.
HAVING AN EVENT? FUNDRAISER? Flyers and posters (that includes full page, color ads) are only $5/month, or... unlimited postings of event flyers are only $50/year (yes, year)!
For more information, click here