Wednesday, July 18, 2018

ACN 7/18/18

Wildfire Smoke Warning:
Air Quality Advisory
Some areas of Amador County are experiencing heavy smoke due to smoke drift from wildfires burning in other counties. Amador County Public Health advises community members that air quality may be unsafe for those with sensitive medical conditions. Residents with chronic health conditions, young children, pregnant women and elderly adults should especially be aware and take protective measures.
If you smell or see smoke, take these steps to protect your health:
  • Minimize outdoor activities
  • Stay indoors with the windows and doors closed.
  • Do not run fans that bring smoky air inside (such as swamp coolers, fresh air ventilation systems).
  • If you have a wall unit air conditioner, set it to “re-circulate.”
  • Do not smoke, fry food or do other activities that that will create indoor air pollution.
  • If you have chronic health conditions, monitor your health closely. Contact your health provider if your symptoms worsen, including repeated coughing and wheezing.
  • If you are experiencing a health emergency, call 911.
For additional information on wildfire smoke, please visit:
OBITUARY NOTICES can be found at:
July 16-22
CANCELLATION NOTICE: The regularly scheduled July 19, 2018, LAFCO Commission Meeting has been cancelled by direction of the Board Chair. The next regular meeting is scheduled for August 16, 2018. Please post and distribute as needed.
The County of Amador Department of Transportation and Public Works (County) is seeking proposals for Right of Way Appraisal/Acquisition Services for the Carbondale Road over Willow Creek Bridge Replacement Project (Project). The general scope of services includes performing an appraisal, assisting the County with acquisition process requirements for public improvements, prosecuting any eminent domain activities (if needed), completing the acquisition, and obtaining approval of R/W certification from Caltrans District 10 Staff for two (2) parcels for this project.
This is a Federal-Aid Project subject to Caltrans Local Assistance Procedures and other Caltrans requirements. All Deliverables, Reports, and Work Products shall be prepared and completed in accordance with Local, State, and Federal standards, where applicable.
The DBE Contract goal is 0% percent.
 The County of Amador affirms that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvantaged business enterprises will be afforded full opportunity to submit RFP’s in response to this invitation.
DEADLINE TO APPLY: Thursday, July 19 by 1:30 PM
Complete information can be found at:
FOOTHILLS RISING COMMUNITY MEETING - Sun July 22 from 3-5pm. Join us for a presentation on organized labor in the foothills and basic workplace rights. Moke Hill Town Hill Town Hall, 8283 Main Street, Moke Hill.
For more information, visit:



July 23-31
FREE ACES Webinar: Convert Trauma Undercurrents Into Feedback Loops - Tues July 24
ACWN: July Networking Luncheon - Wed July 25
Amador County Fair - July 26-29
Sutter Creek Adventure Crew, Session 2: July 30 thru Aug 9
JOB OPPORTUNITY: Cooperative Preschool Lead Teacher wanted
Mother Lode Preschool (formerly Amador Cooperative Preschool) in Jackson is looking for a qualified Lead Teacher/Program Director (will consider candidates willing to work towards necessary Director certification). Mother Lode Preschool is a play based, cooperative, child centered preschool. It is a non-profit organization owned and operated by the parents of the children enrolled. Parents assist the professional teachers in the classroom and share in the operation of the school.
School hours are 8:30-12:30, Monday through Friday (options for children’s participation 2 – 5 days/week). 
If interested, please call (209) 601-1908 for more information and an application.
Hourly rate based on experience. 
The deadline for applications is Monday, July 23, 2018.
THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS (NAMI Amador) is holding an affiliate meeting and support group on Tuesday, July 24 the in the Multi-purpose Conference Room at Sutter Amador Hospital in Jackson from 5:30 to 6:30 pm.
From 6:45 to 8:00 pm we will conduct confidential Support Groups for family members
and individuals living with mental illnesses. For information call NAMI Amador (at
ATCAA) 209-223-1485 Ex. 266.
August +

MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: SAVING SEEDS AND KEEPING A GARDEN JOURNAL - Saturday, August 4, 2018. Interested in participating in the 12,000-year-old tradition of saving seeds for your future gardens? Looking for some easy ways to keep track of the what, where and when of your gardening efforts? Attend the free Public Education class provided by the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County to learn important guidelines for plant and seed selection and successful collection, processing and storage methods for saving garden seeds. Master Gardeners will also discuss a variety of ways to keep a garden journal to help you stay organized from year to year. Hand-outs will be available. Classes are held in the GSA Building at 12200-B Airport Rd. in Jackson from 9am until Noon.
For questions, call the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County at the UC Cooperative Extension Office from 10am to noon, Tuesday through Thursday, 209-223-6838 or email  Website:   
AMADOR UP COUNTRY ROTARY & UP COUNTRY 88 LIONS' GOLF TOURNAMENT  will be held Saturday, August 4, 2018 at Mace Meadows Golf Course. Address: 26570 Fairway Dr, Pioneer, CA 95666. Proceeds benefit community services and scholarships. $75 per player. Includes: Golf, Cart, & BBQ.
8am Check-In, 9am Start, 1:30pm BBQ, $15 for Non-Players. 1st -3rd place, Closest to Pin, Men’s/Women’s Longest Drive. For Sponsorship Opportunities & Registration Information, call Joe (209)295-3343 or email Facebook Event:
MASTER GARDENERS PRESENT: PLANNING YOUR FALL AND WINTER GARDENS - Saturday, August 18, 2018. Are you enjoying your summer vegetables? Would you like to extend your garden into the fall and winter? Or maybe you would like to add a few home-grown greens to your winter meals. Now is the time to plan and start a fall or winter vegetable garden. A wide selection of vegetables can be grown year-round in the foothills and winter gardens require less care. Join the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County for their free Public Education class to learn what you can grow, when to plant as well as considerations for local micro-climates and different elevations. Hand-outs will be available. Classes are held in the GSA Building at 12200-B Airport Rd. in Jackson from 9am until Noon.
For questions, call the UCCE Master Gardeners of Amador County at the UC Cooperative Extension Office from 10am to noon, Tuesday through Thursday, 209-223-6838 or email  Website: 
AMADOR COUNTY HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 1968 50TH CLASS REUNION - Sat Aug 25 from 5-10pm at Mel & Faye’s Creekside Banquet Room, Jackson. Don’t miss out on joining the rest of the “Herd” for a fun night of catching up on the past fifty years! No host bar, delicious buffet, casual dress.
$40 for reservations after 6/30/18. For reservations, contact:
Carly Barric Hubbard - (209) 747-8316 or e-mail
Cindi Oehler Wadlow - (770) 533-2129
Spread the Word to the Rest of the Herd!
THE PROGRESSIVE WOMEN'S COMMITTEE will be taking a summer break for the months of July and August. July’s date is July 5th, and many people are out of town at that time. August is the last month to get away (or get things finished) before Labor Day.
   Sorry for the late July notice, but please mark your calendars for Thursday, September 6, at 11:30 a.m. at The Highway House. The scheduled speaker will be Irene PerbalStay cool, my friends!
- Sally Trestrail
SAVE THE DATE!  2018 OPEN STUDIOS - September 8 and 9 at the American Legion Hall in Sutter Hill.  See our website,, or our FB page for additional information.
RAFFLE:  As before, we will be raffling off artwork donated by the participants as well as other items.  You do not need to be a participating artist to donate a piece of art, a basket, or something else.  Cash is always welcome.  All of the money raised by the raffle goes directly into our scholarship fund. 
PARTICIPATING ARTIST AND OTHER DONORS:  On August 16, between the hours of 4 and 6 p.m., we will be collecting raffle donations in the Poker Room at the Senior Center in Jackson.  Artists will receive copies of our poster to help with publicity as well as set up/take down information. 
If you are unable to come at that time, ask someone else to bring your donation of contact Judy Day (223-1347), Cynthia Dunn-Selph (623-703-3806) or Sandra Campbell (296-1779) to make another arrangement.


TODDLER PLAYGROUPS - FREE to all children ages 0-5, and their mom, dad, grandparent, or caregiver. These playgroups are open to everyone, regardless of income. Please note that the location for Jackson's playgroup has changed for this year! Join us from 9:30 to 11:30 am, on the following days and locations --
Mondays - Camanche Lake Community Center, Camanche
Tuesdays - First 5 Amador building, Jackson
Wednesdays - Ione Memorial Hall, Ione
Thursdays - Upcountry Community Center, Pine Grove
For more information, please call First 5 Amador at 257-1092.

- Sutter Creek City Council meets on the 1st & 3rd Mon at 7 PM.
- Jackson City Council meets on the 2nd & 4th Mon at 7 PM.
- Sutter Creek Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Mon at 7 PM.
- Upcountry Community Council meets on the 2nd Mon at 6PM.
- Jackson Planning Commission meets on the 3rd Mon at 7 PM.
Be Active! Monday Morning Walks & 2018 Monthly Events
INTRODUCE READING TO YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN! Attend Pre-school Storytime and play! Thursdays 10:30-11:00 at the Main Library in Jackson, or at the Ione branch on Mondays 10:00 a.m.

OVER-EATERS ANONYMOUS OF JACKSON…if you think you have a problem with food. Everyone is welcome! Every Monday and Friday, 5:30 PM, Sutter Amador Hospital. Oakview Conference Room, in Education Dept on 2nd Floor. Contact Liz, 295-6921.

HOTEL SUTTER: FAMILY STYLE MONDAYS will be featuring a very special family recipe this Monday night! Debi Redding of Amador Cabinet, Fiddletown, California has submitted her grandmothers Apple Sausage Stuffing recipe and we think it’s going to be perfect with our Prime Rib and all the fixins. Bring your crew to Hotel Sutter to meet Debi and family and keep Amador County history alive. Balcony and Banquet room seating.
Reserve your spots now! 209.267.0242 or 

LOCKWOOD FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AUXILIARY - We raise money for our volunteer personnel and have a lot of fun doing this. We have dinners, concerts and our annual pancake breakfast. We meet every 1st Monday of the month. If you are interested in joining our group, contact Carol Asmus at 209-2396-5681 or Marilyn Dillion, VP at 209-296-8011. Our website is

AMADOR COUNTY DEMOCRATIC CENTRAL COMMITTEE meets on the 1st Monday of every month at 7PM at their office at 557 Hwy 49 Suite 3, Jackson. Call 209-257-1397. The public is welcome to attend.

FREE ADULT WELDING CLASS - Any & All Metal Supply, located at 12861 Shake Ridge Road, Sutter Creek, CA 95685 and owned by Charles (Chad) Barfield wants to give back to his Community.  It came to his attention that the schools no longer offer shop and trade classes for those who would like to work with their hands in a lucrative money-making trade. He would like to help fill a void by providing a Free Adult Welding class so those interested can experience metal and welding hands on.  Every month, starting Monday, May 21, 2018, 6pm – 8pm, Any & All will have a welding project ready to weld.  Due to limited space each class will only be able to accommodate 10 people. We will be using a lottery system to choose the 10 people for each class offered once a month.
If you are interested, let us know you are signing up for the Free Adult Welding Class,  give us your name, phone number and address by email to: or you can call 209-223-2224 and sign up. We look forward to seeing you.

- Ione City Council meets on the 1st & 3rd Tues at 6PM.
Board of Supervisors meets on the 2nd & 4th Tues at 9AM.
- Ione Planning Commission meets on the 2nd Tues at 6PM
DOMESTIC VIOLENCE SUPPORT GROUP - Tuesdays at 10AM. 817 Court Street Suite 12 in Jackson. 95642 Call Operation Care for information, 223-2600.
MOTHER LODE ROSE SOCIETY meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 1:30pm at the Amador Senior Center, 229 New York Ranch Road, Jackson. For more information on meetings and events, visit:
BINGO - 1st & 3rd Tues at 6PM at the American Legion Hall Post 108 (11401 American Legion Drive in Sutter Creek). $10 for 10 games. We have Pull Tabs and U-Pic-Ems, raffle prizes, complimentary cookies and coffee, soda and water available for purchase. Feel free to bring your own dinner and your friends! For more information, visit:
PARKINSON’S DISEASE SUPPORT GROUP - Interim Healthcare of Jackson is hosting monthly Parkinson’s Disease Support Group every third Tuesday of the month, from 10:30 am to 12 noon. We have a speaker for most meetings. We also have painting lessons for those who are interested. Call us at 209-223-9119 for more information.
“READ ACROSS AMADOR” MEETINGS - 3rd Tuesday of Every Month at 12:30 pm at the ATCAA office at 935 S. Hwy 49, Jackson. Meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. Please mark your calendars, and join us to discuss ways to increase literacy awareness and opportunities in Amador County. Meetings are open to everyone! For more information, please call 257-1092.

- Amador County Unified School District (ACUSD/ACOE) meets on the 2nd & 4th Wed at 6:30 PM.
- Amador County Women's Network (ACWN) meets on the 4th Weds of the month at 11AM
- Amador Running Club - Wednesdays at 6PM

OPEN MIC NIGHT AT BG'S LOUNGE - Wednesdays at 8PM. Call 209-223-0860.
CAMANCHE KINDERGARTEN READINESS PROGRAM ~ This FREE program is open to all children ages 3-5, regardless of income. Weekly classes are offered during the ACUSD school year, and provide developmentally appropriate activities designed to help prepare your child for kindergarten! For more information or to enroll your child, please call 257-1980 ext. 103.
CHAMBER MIXERS - 2nd Wednesdays at 5:30pm. Raffle prizes, appetizers, no-host bar. Admission $10. Wine/mixed drink, $5, Beer, $3. Donate a raffle item.
KARAOKE AT JOSE'S CANTINA - 2nd & 4th Wednesdays at 8PM. $50 Jose's gift certificate for the winner. Call 209-223-3886.

- Amador County Transportation Commission 1st Thurs at 9AM
- Progressive Women's Committee meets on the 1st Thurs at 11:30AM
- Amador Water Agency (AWA) Board meets on the 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9 AM.
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Nights at Amador College Connect - 2nd & 4th Thursdays
- Plymouth City Council meets on 2nd & 4th Thurs at 6:30 PM.
THE IONE PUBLIC HOUSE: "OPINIONATION" - This is our Feud/ trivia game where your opinion matters. People are polled every weeks and you compete as a team to select the best answers. Every week (Thurs) will have prizes for 1st and 2nd place teams. The Ione Public House is located at 22 E. Main Street, Ione. For more information, call (209) 332-0770.
INTRODUCE READING TO YOUR YOUNG CHILDREN! Attend Pre-school Storytime and play! Thursdays 10:30-11:00 at the Main Library in Jackson, or at the Ione branch on Mondays 10:00 a.m.
SUTTER CREEK BUSINESS & PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION meets the 1st Thurs of every month at 8:30 am at Hotel Sutter.
AMADOR UPCOUNTRY ROTARY meets the 1st three Thursdays at 5:30pm at the St. George Hotel in Volcano.

AMADOR REPUBLICAN CENTRAL COMMITTEE meets on the on the 3rd Thursday of each month at 6:30PM at their headquarters located at 12275 Martell Road (across from Panda House Restaurant). Our meetings are open to the public, and attendance is encouraged.

LGBTQ SOCIAL & ACTIVITY GROUP: On-going, every 1st and 3rd Fridays, 4:00 – 5:30m at Hein and Co., 204 Main St., Jackson. All ages welcome. Join us for dialogue, friendship, support and social activities. Contact: Marla Vander Meer (209) 256-3750 also find us on facebook at Motherlode Pride Center.
Mondays through Thursdays
9:30 am - 11: 30 am
Various locations throughout the County:
Mondays - Camanche
Tuesdays - Jackson
Wednesdays - Ione
Thursdays - Pine Grove
A new year of the always-popular Toddler Playgroups has begun! FREE to all children aged 0-5, and their caregivers! Contact First 5 Amador for more information and specific locations, at 257-1092 or visit Playgroups follow the ACUSD schedule.
PROSPECTORS JUNIOR LEAGUE BOWLING. Leagues for junior bowlers of all abilities are available Fridays at 6:30 p.m. and Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. Stop by or call Youth Director Louretta Agness at (209) 223-3334, extension 6 for more information or visit

'MOM TO MOM' PERINATAL WELLNESS SUPPORT GROUP - 2nd Saturday of Every Month. 2:30 - 4:00 pm at the First 5 Building, 975 Broadway, Jackson. In this group for new moms and pregnant women, we support moms to recover from pregnancy and birth, help you feel well and be the mom you want to be, discuss anxiety, stress, depression, and difficulty adjusting, learn coping skills, relaxation techniques, and communication skills. Facilitated by Christa Thompson, LCSW. These groups meet on the 2nd Saturday of every month. For questions, information, and/or to RSVP for free child care, please call 257-1092.

Amador Council of Tourism
Amador County Recreation Agency
Amador County Government

County Veterans Services Officer to help veterans upcountry twice a month
YARD WASTE DUMP IN SUTTER CREEK: Have a yard full of yard waste that you need to dispose of? Then come down to the firehouse located at 350 Hanford St. and dump your yard waste free of charge. This program was made possible by Amador County and ACES Waste Services. (Remember only yard waste can be dumped.)
THE KNIGHT FOUNDRY NOW HAS A MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM where you can support the programs and operation of the foundry and machine shop. Please consider joining!
LOCKWOOD FPD: Take this week to inspect your home ignition zone -- your 100 foot defensible space. Our fire district is in one of the high risk areas of the county.
We now have a Firewise Community in Amador County. If you would like to know more about how your neighborhood can become a Firewise Community or if you need advice, call us at 296-5122 or email us at
Here are some ideas to help you get started.

PERINATAL WELLNESS SUPPORT - First 5 Amador can help to support moms recovering from pregnancy and help you feel well and be the mom you want to be, discuss anxiety, stress, depression, and difficulty adjusting, learn coping skills, relaxation techniques, and communication skills. We can offer this support to both new moms and new dads, alike. For questions, to get information, or request to be connected with the services that we provide, please call us at 257-1092.
AMADOR COUNTY LIBRARY: Not finding what you are looking for? Did you know you can request material not found in Amador County Library from over 70 libraries in California and Nevada through Link+. This FREE service is open to any Amador County Library card holder. 
For more information visit:
OR stop by your local library or give us a call and we'll walk you through the process!
THE AMADOR COUNTY LIBRARY is happy to announce the Plymouth branch has re-opened in its new location, 9369 Main St. Plymouth (just to the left of the former location).
The new hours will be:
Tuesday 12.30 – 5
Wednesday 11 – 4
Thursday 12:30 – 5
Friday 11 - 4
Phone number is same as before 209-245-6476
Thank you, City of Ione Police Department, for hosting the FIRST permanent medicine collection bin (pictured left) within Amador County! This collection bin allows Amador residents to safely dispose of their unwanted, controlled AND non-controlled medications. Ione PD is located at 1 E Main Street, please call ahead for hours of operation (209) 274-2456.
JACKSON FIRE DEPARTMENT: WONDERING IF IT IS A BURN DAY? Have questions about burning within the city limits of Jackson? We'll let us help! To burn natural vegetation piles within city limits, you must first obtain a free permit at City Hall. Burn hours are restricted to between the hours of 6:00 am and 12:00 pm. All piles must have the proper clearance, no larger than 4'x4' and only natural vegetation.
You must also contact the burn day information line prior to burning to see if it is a permissive burn day. The Amador County burn day number is (209) 223-6246. This is a fully automated line that is updated daily and usually tells you the upcoming day as well.
DO YOU HAVE DEAD OR DYING TREES YOU NEED TO REMOVE? Apply for up to 50% reimbursement to remove dead or dying hazard trees!
Amador Resource Conservation District has a program to provide up to 50% reimbursement for Amador County property owners east of Hwy 49, to help pay for the removal of dead or dying hazard trees on their property that could fall on an inhabited structure.
For more information, visit the Amador RCD web site at or contact the District at Phone: 916-562-0204
SUTTER CREEK VISITOR CENTER NEEDS VOLUNTEERS - The Sutter Creek Visitor Center is a fun place to volunteer! The folks coming in are on vacation, having fun and love to talk to the locals. Mostly they just want information on what to do while they are in our area and we have lots of brochures for them to choose from.
Do you have 2 hours a month that you could spare? Please consider donating your time to the Sutter Creek Visitor Center. It has a peaceful, relaxing and fun atmosphere and is a very rewarding experience. For more information, please call Al or Lisa at 209-267-1344.
PLEASE HELP BREAK BREAD WITH FRIENDS! Break Bread with Friends is an outreach program supported by the parishes of Trinity Episcopal Church, the Jackson United Methodist Church, and St. Patrick's Catholic Church of Jackson.  Each Saturday morning, parishioners from the 3 churches, along with occasional volunteers from other Christian churches, meet at the Methodist Church fellowship hall. There, they prepare and serve a free breakfast and a bag lunch "to go" to all who come. Guests are warmly and cheerfully welcomed and  treated with respect. Volunteers enjoy working together ecumenically, being Christ's hands assisting people in need.
THIS VITAL MINISTRY is in critical need of funding at this time! To find out how to donate, you can call Trinity at 223-0255 or e-mail, or Jackson UMC at 223-1884.
- FAWN RESCUE - 209-283-3245. For more information on wildlife protocols, visit:
- SHARE THE LOVE! If you have a garden, share your surplus. Our birds thrive with fresh chicken eggs too. Please support us with grapes, peaches, strawberries, broccoli and blue or blackberries.
We also need paper towels, bleach, scrub sponges, laundry soap and trash bags.
*Please drop off donations at our animal center at 80 Ridge Road, Suite B in Sutter Hill across the hwy from the bowling alley, open 7 days a week, 7am - 7pm.
Thank you for the continued support of our local wildlife and TCWC!
- FERAL CATS? Trap em' and get them fixed! Borrowing the trap is FREE and the surgery is FREE. Trap, neuter and release of feral cats in Amador County is FREE!
Simply borrow a trap, call the vet of your choice, transport and repeat. If you feed, they breed - so please jump in to help stop the overpopulation and the suffering that results. Call 209-223-0410 or visit for more information.
AMADOR COUNTY GOVERNMENT Employment Opportunities:
COURT APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES SEEKS VOLUNTEERS TO BE THERE FOR A CHILD - Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Amador County is seeking volunteers to join their next training session to become volunteer advocates.
A volunteer advocate, known as a CASA, after 40 hours of training, are assigned to be a special person in the life of a child who has been neglected or abused.  The court will appoint the CASA to be the eyes and ears of the court and to report back to the court information they have gathered. The CASA will also tell the court what decisions and services may be in the best interest of that child.
CASA of Amador currently has a waiting list of children who are in need of a CASA.
For more information about the program or details on how to become a CASA, please call the CASA program at 209-257-1980, extension 108. You may also email the CASA Coordinators, John  or Fara
Court Appointed Special Advocates Amador
621 New York Ranch Road
Jackson, CA  95642
(209)257-1980  ext. 108
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Are you interested in making a difference in the lives of others? The Amador College Connect Center needs volunteers. Could you donate 4 hours of your time just once a month?  Help is needed with:
  • Clerical/Reception
  • Assisting students
  • Computer assistance/skills/technology
  • Fund Raising
  • Marketing/advertising
Volunteers work a four-hour shift once a month at the College Connect Center.  For those that are able, volunteers attend an optional once-a-month meeting.
For more information please call (209) 217-8239 or email:  
VOLUNTEER WEEKEND DRIVERS NEEDED! The Interfaith Food Bank has a desperate need for route pickup drivers and riders for the 2nd & 3rd Saturday of each month. If you would like to contribute 3 to 4 hours for one or two days a month or be on call, please contact Charlotte Harris: E-mail Phone: 209.267.9006
HOSPICE OF AMADOR & CALAVERAS offers free Grief Support for adults and children. Please call our office at (209) 223-5500 for more information.
Web site:
GALLERY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED at the AmadorArts Gallery in Sutter Creek. Every Saturday & Sunday the Gallery is staffed by volunteers from 11-4. You do not need to be an artist, just enjoy art and chatting with people. Call or email DeDe at 267-9850 or email:
THE LABYRINTH PROJECT - Have you heard about labyrinths? Do you wonder what they are? What they do? Why they are so popular? The Labyrinth Project has formed in Amador County and is looking for people who may be interested in learning about labyrinths and in being trained to become  a volunteer/docent for labyrinth walks. To learn more, contact The Labyrinth Project at (209) 256-3750 or e-mail the Labyrinth Project Coordinator at
DO YOU HAVE A HEART FOR CHILDREN AND TEENS? Can you offer a safe, loving and supportive home? Do you have a desire to improve your community?
There is an immediate need for Foster Families in Amador County! Families of all kinds are welcomed! Foster care needed for ages 0-18. SCFS offers guidance, support and ongoing training throughout the entire foster care process.
Please call Sierra Child & Family Services, 209-257-1244.
On Facebook at:
BE A DISASTER HEALTH CARE VOLUNTEER! County volunteer application and fingerprinting scan required. Once clearance is received, you would be sworn in as a Disaster Service Worker. For more information, visit:
ART IN PUBLIC PLACES - The Amador County Artist Association (ACAA) has several benefits to being a member, one of those being Art in Public Places, where the artist can get regular exposure to build a reputation and occasionally make a sale with no commission fees.  This program also gives the location the opportunity to be known for original art on their walls and to promote awareness of original art. The exhibits rotate every 2 months.
Our current locations include Rosebud’s Cafe (downtown Jackson); the Superior Court of CA, County of Amador; American River Bank; Amador Senior Center; Sierra Eye Care; Amador Residential Care; Jackson Paint Spot; and Castle Oaks Golf Club in Ione. Currently, the program has a good balance of artists to locations. New artists and locations are always welcome. If you would like more information, contact Colleen Williams, Committee Chairperson, or (209) 295-2877.
INTERFAITH FOOD BANK VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! The Interfaith Food Bank is trying to increase its volunteer roster. If you are looking to fill some time, build your resume, get some exercise, and give back to the community, the Food Bank has a variety of opportunities to do so. We are looking for volunteers to work both on-call and weekly shifts. Please email or call Assistant Program Coordinator Claire Gunselman or 209-267-9006. Must be 18 years and older. Positions in warehouse, food pick up and drivers (DMV record required).
AMADOR SENIOR VISITORS PROGRAM NEEDS VOLUNTEERS. Join a great group of people working in the community to help our Senior Citizens live safer, healthier lives. Please call 223-0442 for information about how you can help!
Upcountry Community Center
19386 Hwy 88
Pine Grove, CA 95665
P: (209) 296-2785
F: (209) 296-2782
Ione Family Resource Center
17 S. Buena Vista Rd.
Ione, CA 95640
P: (209) 274-4655
F: (209) 274-4665
Camanche Lake Community Center
4419 Camanche Pkwy N.
Ione, CA 95640
P: (209) 763-2720
F: (209) 763-2740

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